Friday, March 10, 2017

Day 58 There Is No Reason to be Bored

Hardly seems like a week has already gone by since I posted some weekend songs.

I was/am excited for this weekend but not with the same energy level.  Maybe it was the eye surgery.  It took a lot out of me a couple of days ago.  Maybe it's this whole lay-off thing.

What I do know is that I have to set a process in place to combat boredom.  Boredom is one of those things totally in my control.  If I am bored, I have the ability to do something about it.  Alleviating boredom is up to me.  Something isn't just going to fall into my lap and say, "Hi! I'm here to get you out of your doldrums and keep you from being bored."

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Day 57 Saying Good-bye

My dad is ill.

Really ill. 

He has been for a good long time, maybe going all the way back to 2009 if I am remembering things correctly.

I'm probably going to jumble some of the facts.  I hope those that know the actual order of events forgive me.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Day 56 Advance Apologies

Today, I did some dangerous living things.

I'm paying for it tonight.

First, advance apologies if I don't catch all the typos.

As many of you know I am diabetic.  I've been diabetic for over 25 years and it has gotten to a point where I am reaping some of the long-term effects.

One area that has been hit particularly hard is my eyes. Initially, I had some bleeding in my eyes and the bleeding creates a fluid that is very damaging to the internal workings of your eye, which is an absolutely amazing organ.  Those were sealed with laser surgery and the biggest inconvenience of it was the dilation and the after effects of that medication.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Day 55 "To Sir..."

I've had the most success with my blog writing when I've been thinking long and hard about something - usually something that has happened during the day that made me ponder.

There are other days where no such spark has occurred. I've gone through the day thinking about average, mundane things. Work has been nothing too exciting, or the things I do once I'm home are the typical ho-hum kinds of things.

So, that said, there are definitely times when I wonder just what the heck I'm going to write about in my blog.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Day 54 Teach Your Children...

I am so excited to be starting school again.

School is my natural rhythm.  In my lifetime there have only been about eight years that I wasn't in rhythm with the school year. School has always afforded me with a way to garner another fresh start whether as a student or as a teacher or both.

So when I tell you that I'm excited to be starting school again, I hope you can understand how deeply entrenched that calendar is in my own life cycle. I still love gearing my mind up for the school year and thinking about the different ways I will reach the people I will intentionally and inadvertently educate.

Now, image, being excited for school to start. I think a lot of us once upon a time got bored during the dog days of summer and couldn't wait for that first day.  Maybe we wanted to see our friends that we hadn't been able to hang out with during the summer, maybe we wondered who we would get for our home room teacher, maybe we wanted to see if we would actually learn something.

Now, let me help you imagine my first day back to school. Instructions went something like this:

I want to share with you some keys to your success here.  We are retraining your brain to think differently and there are some thoughts you are going to have that are destructive. Those thoughts center around thinking 'what can I learn here' and 'this won't work for me'.  Squelch them immediately.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Day 53 - Macho, Macho Man

... I want to be a macho man...

Well, not really. I am happy with who I am.  The Village People made a hit capitalizing on the desire of people to be someone else.  So many people aren't happy with who they are and they look outside of themselves to find what they think is missing.

Unfortunately, a lot of people look in the bathroom mirror in the morning and just don't like what they see.  They wish they could be different.  A lot of this has to do with how we've come to view ourselves based on the feedback (well-meaning or not) provided us by our families and the various communities we interact with.