Saturday, August 25, 2018

166 Boundaries

As I work on myself, I am coming to grips with the fact that in the past I did a poor job of setting boundaries for myself.  I never had a "line" that said this far and no more.

Maybe that's because for many years I didn't need one. With my faith system in place, I knew what the boundaries were, and the people I hung out with had similar lines and so crossing them was never an issue.

Then came the troubles. They've been hitting me hard for nearly a decade and have certainly challenged me in ways I didn't expect or plan. Through recovery and extensive talks with my immediate family, I came to realize that somewhere along the way, the hard and fast boundaries I thought I had no longer existed in an absolute clear black and white.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Day 165 Celebrating

Recently, I just celebrated a milestone birthday.  They seem to come around about every decade.

Ten years has made a huge difference.  Ten years ago, my oldest was still in college, one in high school and one in middle school. Now they are all adults.

Ten years ago, I hadn't had my first heart attack.  I wasn't dealing with depression, or dealing with the long-term effects of diabetes. Today, I have flat feet, a damaged heart, and fight depression on a daily basis.

But, those three kids mentioned above.  Well, they are something special.  And they pulled off something special.