Saturday, January 21, 2017

Day 18 Sing, Sing a Song

Yesterday, I wrote about the need for silence and some of the benefits silence can bring to one's life.

However, too much silence may lead to dark and dismal thoughts. Remember the Simon and Garfunkel song, Sound of Silence? The song speaks of darkness, people who try to talk and can't speak, a nightmarish world - set to beautiful music.

Just like most things in this world, you can have too much of a good thing.

Silence brings many good things, but too much silence may turn our thoughts inward and become harmful and destructive.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Day 17 Be Still

A mother gently shushes her child.

Religious gatherings spend time in silence.

Social events may spend a set amount of silence in memory of a person or event.

Silence is golden.

Be still and know that I am God.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Day 16 The Power of a Good Night's Rest

I returned last night after an amazing sling-shot trip.  I fell asleep early and woke up refreshed, far more refreshed than I had any hopes of achieving. I had a full eight hours, most of it uninterrupted.  Do not underestimate the power of a good night's rest.

I'll say it again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 15 Blessings of a Car Confinement

Two thousand

One hundred

I call it the slingshot. Shot out and rebound back and that is what C and I did in four days. I'm tired but not exhausted. Despite the soul sucking cold, and the distance, and the purpose for the slingshot, it was a good trip.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 14 Hidden Graces

Last night was a respite.

Sometimes you need those.  The night before when it was so cold, and the heater rattled non-stop I didn't sleep well. Last night was wonderful.

C and I slept in.  We didn't have to be at campus until noon and it felt wonderful.  They say you can't catch up on sleep but I'm not sure that is entirely true.  I know I felt a lot better getting the extra z's. 

C checked out of his campus room today and said good-bye to some friends and acquaintances.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Day 13 Imitation Versus the Real Thing

We made it. After another long, cold day on the road we are relaxing in our hotel room, waiting for the heater to combat the chill of a single digit temperature day.  They don't heat empty rooms, so I'm snuggled under the blanket.

The car ran well even if it did eat a couple of quarts of oil. I know that about this vehicle and so I an proactive and carry oil with me on long trips.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Day 12 On the Road Again

On the road again..." Willie Nelson croons.

Yep, on the road again. Eight and a half hours today, the same for tomorrow. Oh, and it's eight below zero, too cold to really even breathe.  The motel we're at has a cozy warm room, but to keep it that way the heater is on - almost non-stop.

C and I traded off driving. We left later than we wanted and I really don't enjoy driving in the dark these days.  These days, dark comes fast too.  I suppose we could have made it in to Iowa, but there is nothing we can do until the day after tomorrow, so there is no sense in rushing.