Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Day 163 Risking

In order to break some of my own personal boundaries, I have to be willing to try something new.

For the past decade, that is something overall I haven't done a very good job of. 
About five years ago, inspired / reminded by my brother of my desire to skydive, I took to the skies and plummeted to the earth. It was an exhilarating, unforgettable experience. 

Since then ...

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Day 162 Of Bucket Lists

In a month or so I'll be transitioning into the next decade of my life.  At least I hope to.  This past month hasn't been the easiest and the future doesn't look like it is going to be all sunshine and roses either. Thing is, no matter what is in store, I have faith, tested as it has been, and that will get me through the hard days.

However, it doesn't stop my mind from "wondering" or "wandering" (or maybe a combination of both).  The kids have asked me about a bucket list, and I've pretty much not had one. Usually, when I want to do something, I take a good look at it, reverse engineer what it takes to do it, and then I make a plan to get her done.

Been that way pretty much my whole life, or at least my adult life.

Hospitalizations and complications from diabetes have given me occasion to rethink having a bucket list.

So, I've decided to put together a list.  So far, it is only one item long and I'm sure more ideas will come to me as I pursue this line of thinking.