Saturday, January 7, 2017

Day 4

It didn't take long. 

I want to cheat today. 

I'm tired, and right now, my little boy dog is in the way, trying to lick my fingers and face. I probably shouldn't journal from bed.

It was a long day. 

Motivation was difficult. 

Friday, January 6, 2017

Day 3

Today was a day of choices - some good, some bad. 

My stomach is filled with acid from overeating pretzels last night. I compounded the problem with two sodas. The acid didn't diminish just hit varying levels of annoyance. Dinner was turkey, cranberry sauce, and a Hawaiian dinner roll.  Better.

But then I crashed and burned by opening a big bag of scoop Fritos. 

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 2

I almost thought that today I did not live dangerously, but I did.

Not in any big ride-your-motorcycle-like-Steve-McQueen-in-the-Great-Escape kind of way.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Day 1

Welcome to the adventure I'm titling My Year of Dangerous Living.

Perhaps you are reading this because you know me, and dangerous living is the last description you would use when thinking about me. Perhaps you're curious what I mean by dangerous living.