Friday, February 10, 2017

Day 33 Unspoken Standards

Another day.

It's the last day of the workweek for most. Not for me. I was ill earlier this week and have to make up the time. Which I will do tomorrow. I have to work 9 hours. Yech.

The work time is worth it though. I'll be able to get a lot done, a lot, without any interference. NO meetings, no noise makers in the office. I can concentrate on the work at hand and maybe get close to getting caught up.

Our list moved from 13 to 27. I'm two calls short for the week, but I'm a week behind so tomorrow I should really be able to get a huge chunk of catch up done.

I found a little bar, Hero's , which is in an old American Legion watering hole. 

C and I each had two drinks. We are smart enough to leave well enough alone. I've been chatting with Darrell via instant chat all evening.  Two drinks and I feel like such a light weight.

I'm not really cut out for bars and drinking the way J is. He has an addictive personality disorder so it is not surprising that he likes bars and alcohol and drinking. That was never me. The serious stuff I did with him was because I was with him. I never sought it out on my own, and even after he left I didn't seek to alter my realm of consciousness.  I was never interested in changing my perception of reality. I always felt like I was stable enough with myself to know I wouldn't harm myself overtly in any sort of drug induced way.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Day 32 My Own Actions Impact Others

My job is to listen to people as insurance agents interact with them over the phone. When I select a call, I never know what I'm going to get. Even my "good" agents surprise me sometimes.

Sometimes, I think the surprise comes because they get a caller that the agent has next to no idea how to deal with. Perhaps there is an extreme language barrier.  The United States has been home to a large variety of cultures for a long time.  Sometimes, it's a jargon barrier.  Some people are not good at explaining insurance lingo to people who have very little experience with insurance companies. And sometimes, my agents don't know what to do with people who call because the caller has a chip on their shoulder the size of Devil's Tower.

It got me thinking.  I know what makes a good insurance agent. I've heard some excellent agents. But, more often I listen to average agents who don't know what to do when they have a prospect who is not average. Here's where my thinking comes in....

Are you a good customer?

Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 31 Girl Scout Cookie Temptation

Oh my gosh! It's ten o'clock at night and not only have I not written a word for the blog, but I'm not even sure what topic I'm going to write on.

I was thinking earlier today about writing about customer service, but there are waay too many horror stories out there about customer service, and then the lessons about how to provide customer service are pretty much all the same, so I don't think I can really put a new spin or enlighten anyone with new bits of wisdom.

Wow, was that ever a run-on sentence!

The weather was gorgeous today and I'll take what I can get in February.  It will make the winter go so much faster if I believe that spring is almost here.

Where oh where did all the time go?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Day 30 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (and everyone else too)

People seem to fall into two camps. The lazy ones, and the ones that are always working.

Somewhere along the way some of us learned that the only way to get ahead was to work, work, work. When that didn't get us far enough, fast enough, someone threw in higher education.  You know, the post high school, post college higher education stuff. 

Sometimes, that is what we need - to go to school, take a continuing ed course, up our game.  

Unfortunately, far too many of us look at work as some sort of game. If only I had the right pieces I could win at this thing called life.
  When we buy into that sort of thinking we are really cutting ourselves out and off from the things in life that really matter, like just being with your kids (there was a really cool commercial at the movies showing dads playing Barbies - those dads are having fun!) When we buy into that sort of thinking we cheat ourselves from having a little to fun, and wend our way toward becoming a workaholic.