Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Day 138 Gentleness

It is important to remember that at first flush, going sane feels just like going crazy. Growth is erratic forward movement: two steps forward, one step back. Remember that and be very gentle with yourself. A creative recovery is a healing process. Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way

Several years back, I lost the ability to create ... anything.  Deep in my heart I knew that I was destined to be a creative creature, and had been in the past. Once upon a time, I wrote five novels in a year. Five. Minimum word count of 50,000.

That's a lot of writing.

One year I wrote a book in a single month, again, 50,000 plus words.  Creativity poured through my word processor.  

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Day 137 On Serving

In case you haven't noticed, my worldview is Christian oriented. So, what I'm going to write about serving comes from that perspective, but I believe the principles are the same no matter your belief system. Hopefully, some of this will resonate.

I believe that deep down, most people are pretty good, despite the fact that we all screw up, some of us worse than others. There will always be exceptions, but I think the bulk of those fall into various categories of mental disorders and mental illness.

Because people are decent, for the most part, I also believe that on some level people want to help others, or they may be motivated to help an organization. This often manifests as serving or volunteering.