Saturday, January 14, 2017

Day 11 Consequences or Rewards?

Watching others make a decision is tough. It may be wrong or it may be the right one for someone else, but it isn't necessarily the decision your or I would make.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 10 The Media Hype of Beauty

I don't want to write today.

But I made a promise...
     to others
     most importantly to myself.

Day 1 just published on the web.

I don't know if anyone will read it. I hope someone does; I hope my journey will resonate with others; will help others.

I started the day reading Shonda Rhimes. She wrote about wanting her hair to look like Whitney Houston's. How hard it was to even get it somewhere close but never right. I remember having a hair cut like Princess Diana's. It never quite looked like hers. Years later, I realized the Princess had a royal hairdresser. Shonda found out Whitney wore a wig.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Day 9 Stinkin Thinkin and the Power of Baby Steps

I woke this morning filled with ideas to write about.

Unfortunately, I didn't write them down. Now I don't remember them or what they are about; they are lost in the fog of dreams. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Day 8 What Is Dangerous Living?

What is dangerous living?

There are some things that, for my purposes, comprise this concept.

Dangerous living doesn't have to mean running into the fray to take down a criminal. It doesn't have to mean rushing into a burning building to save a stranger. It doesn't have to mean jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, although all these things are dangerous and the more timid among us would applaud the heroics such acts require.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Day 7 It's a New Year!

It's the New Year! Yay!

My initial reaction to having a new year start was so freakin' what. I wanted to scream that from the full power of my lungs, pushing out every last particle of air as forcefully and loud as possible. The last year wasn't all that great. There was nothing awesome about the past year. It was rather reminiscent of the Mr. Yuk character I saw as a child growing up.

Part of me just wants to pitch a fit, hold a pity party. bury the past year under piles and piles of heaping, stinking garbage. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Day 6

Stayed up late last night and woke at 5:00am with diarrhea. 

I must, MUST be more careful and aware of what I'm putting into my body.

Speaking of which, I did manage to get a modified work out in today.  Modified due to the cast on my foot and the broken tailbone that I'm sporting.  I get mentioned sometimes by my trainer for continuing to work out despite the injuries I'm dealing with but the truth is I don't feel all that great if I skip. 

Working out was a priority for 2016 and will continue to be a major focus during the coming year.  My trainer has a special machine that measures water, fat, muscle and bone. One of the things that working out has done for me is that my bone density has increased. I'm also healing quicker, another benefit.  My self-confidence has increased as well.

This newfound confidence has led me to practice singing karaoke via the video game Guitar Hero and Rock Band 2. C and I played for hours having a great time.

Ended the evening with some television, taking notes on character development. Things to apply to my work.

I've developed some general goals; more detailed plans as I move buforward.

1) Get fit
2) Build a business
3) Help more people

My intention is to work on all three simultaneously. I know there will be missteps, but missteps don't have to be deal breakers. Bumps in the road are just that - bumps.  They aren't dead ends, just a misdirection that results in a course correction. 

It will be interesting to see where I am some three hundred plus days from now.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Day 5

Impossibly long. That's what the day was. Yet, somehow, I'm writing so the long ended and the impossible became possible. 

I managed to read a chapter in Shonda Rhimes Year of Yes How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person.  She has her Dartmouth commencement speech in it. Honest, brutal, funny, and very, very real. I won't copy and paste the entire thing, but I'll include a link when I find it.