Saturday, March 18, 2017

Day 64 Thankful for an Allergy

Yep, you read that right. I am so very thankful I found out I had an allergy.

I took a blood test about a week and a half ago and found out that I
have an allergy to Kentucky blue grass.  Just happens to be one of the most popular planted grasses around here.

And yes, I am thankful. For years I've "suffered" from the effects of being allergic, mainly in the form of itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing and post nasal drip.  There have been times in the past where the drip was so bad it choked me to the point the kids would say, "Don't choke, Mom."  

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Day 63 Nothin's Gonna Stop Us

What a fun song that was way back when - you may remember the Starship chart riser that erupted from the movie Mannequin? The song hit the airwaves around 1986, so that may be dating  few of us.

Lately, the music of Starship, Jefferson Starship, Jefferson Airplane has been popping up again.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Day 62 Comfort Food II

We've all had quite a shock. Something we counted on as being stable was knocked out from underneath our feet.

The same band of survivors have supported one another, figuring out this thing that has happened. With nothing really to lose at this point some convention has been tossed aside.

Food proliferates on the tiny file cabinet at the end of one of the cubical rows.  Food has also taken over an empty desk.  Eight are left in the quality department.

A lot of mornings the smell of freshly popped popcorn permeates the air, warm and inviting.

The department is feeding itself mainly as an anecdote to boredom, frustration and an attempt to still find a way to do what is left of our jobs.  We provide a service to the people we work for, primarily the agents. We want them to succeed, but we also want to protect the consumers they speak with and it is a fine line.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Day 61 Comfort Food

You know the stuff.  You eat when you want to remember a good memory - usually of a time that you felt warm and comforted and safe.

You know the image - a girl wrapped in a comforter, eating ice cream out of the carton, sometimes watching a tear-jerking romance. 

You know the feeling - cool ice cream sliding down your throat, your favorite flavor tickling your tongue.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 60 Eeny Meeny Miny Mo

"Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo" is the first line of a popular children's rhyme.  In the United States it had a less than politically correct middle section which has been amended to say, "Catch a Tiger by the Toe..."

This rhyme has variations that go back into different regions of Great Britain and as such was used to select an individual to do something that the rest of the group did not do. Depending on the task, a person might be selected immediately, or used as a process of elimination and the rhyme repeated over and over until one person was left.  The rhyme was used as a selection process, and is still frequently used by children.

According to research the words 'eeny, meeny' were similar to the pronunciations of the numbers one and two in pre-English Celtic. 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Day 59 Wanna Get Away?

Some friends of mine were able to escape to a warm resort for a long weekend.  Love the idea that it is all-inclusive and they don't even have to rent a car.  

But I really love the idea that they are turning off the technology for the time they are away.  

How refreshing.  Too many times we act as if we cannot possibly live without our computers and our cells phones.

In the single word of one of my friends - Seriously?