Saturday, June 24, 2017

Day 136 The Sequel

Is it that I'm too picky, or are sequels getting worse?
I saw the new Transformers movie today, The Last Knight.  

It was awful.

I mean the average review score of 41 was too high.

Day 135 Racing

I spent an interesting evening watching old videos of car racing.

Or, I should be more specific and say, I watched videos of cars racing on tracks that I've been to.

I watched videos of Cameros at the Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, Mi.  I watched videos of races from the racetrack in Flatrock, Mi and Owosso, Mi.  There was even footage from races held at the Berlin Speedway just outside of Grand Rapids.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Day 134 Love/Hate Superheroes

Right now I am going through a superhero phase.

Maybe because I really didn't do super heroes as a child. I vaguely remember Superman on television and remember him better when he was played by Christopher Reeves.  Adam West as Batman I watched in reruns on the not network local television station, back in the day, Channel 2.  I have vague recollections of the Green Hornet when Bruce Lee was Kato. Then there was Wonder Woman with Lynda Carter and the Bionic Man with Lee Majors and the Bionic Woman with Lindsey Wagner.

I can honestly say, I don't really remember a single episode. I remember some of the characters and that's about all.

Batman has been "rebooted" several times in film. All the movies had their positives and negatives. Marvel came back to life with Ironman and then brought us a host of superheroes in the Avengers.

Today, superheroes are big, really big business.

I just finished watching a two and a half hour or so invasion of Earth 1 by aliens. Supergirl, The Flash, the Green Arrow and all their associates banded together to fight off a group of aliens who were set to exterminate a special group of humans with special powers because these aliens were convinced they would be the scourge of Earth and of their home world. A preemptive strike as it were.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 133 The Interview

No, it's not the movie with James Franco and Seth Rogen about the dictator of North Korea.

It was the interview I had today with TMK.  I arrived early as is my general habit for appointments, and filled out a general form that had some specific questions on it such as being the subject of insurance fraud or being implicated or sued for insurance malfeasance.  While those aren't specific to many careers, they are common questions if you work in the insurance industry.

A few minutes after filling out this form I chatted with one of the recruiter's underlings.  Again, some general questions more along the line of tell me about yourself.    He explained that the process was a three step interview procedure and if I had the time I could move on to the next interview step.

Day 132 Preparation

I can't believe it is after midnight and I am still up, wide awake even.

I meant to go to bed hours ago, but I guess I'm a bit keyed up over the interview I'm having tomorrow.  The way I see it, it is really another dry run for the ones I hope will be coming real soon in the education field.  

For some reason I can't get the scanner/printer/fax combo machine we have to work so I had to head over to FedEx Office.  I had my resume in an email and forwarded it to them and boom, they printed three copies super fast.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Day 131 Coincidence?

I spent a goodly amount of time recently reading the prophet Ezekiel.  Man, that guy had to tell the Israelites some pretty bad news; the people were going to be captured, basically become slaves and live away from their homeland for seventy years.
That's almost four generations.  Long enough so the young people wouldn't remember what their homeland was like.

At one point in the reading, he was carrying his belongings with him to show that the people would only be able to take what they could carry.  Even the ruler was going to have to carry his own belongings into captivity.