Thursday, May 18, 2017

Day 115 Surviving a Lay Off PT 2

Now that we've briefly reviewed some of the very real emotions you might go through because of a lay off, it is time to get practical.

In the most basic of realities, a lay off means a reduction, perhaps drastic, in income.  You may qualify for unemployment insurance based on a number of factors, but the truth is that the payment(s) you receive from this source will not equal what you earned at your job and it may not be as timely as you'd like.

If you are fortunate, there might be a severance package available to you. Unemployment takes this into account and will delay any payments to you based on their internal calculations.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Day 114 Surviving a Lay Off - PT 1

Oh that we would have been smarter.

I attended a two hour class today regarding surviving a lay off.

Our metro area coordinates with the state unemployment insurance department to get folks registered in their local county work force program.  At the work force site, they have several computers for people to work on their resumes, do job searches and take internet classes.  They also offer classes on-site.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Day 113 Monday, Monday

Monday, Monday, can´t trust that day
Monday, Monday, it just turns out that way
Oh Monday, Monday, won´t go away
Monday, Monday, it´s here to stay
Oh Monday, Monday
Oh Monday, Monday
(The Mamas and The Papas; Written by John Edmund Andrew Phillips • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Day 112 Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to those of you who celebrate the holiday.  There are a lot of good and great moms out there that have given a lot to their kids, whether or not that is recognized by those offspring.

For me, Mother's Day conjuers a lot of different memories. For the first few years I was a mother, it was a nice card, flowers and dinner out. Somewhere around the time my eldest was four or five, I received the usual and a beautiful pearl necklace.  
That rivals one of my best ever Mother's Days.

I have some rather definitive views on gift giving, especially a gift from a man to a woman. Not everyone feels as strongly as I do, because in later years, I've come to know that gift giving is a love language and it is one of mine. I also show love by giving my time to people followed by acts of service. And my best love of all is surprise gift giving!