Friday, June 2, 2017

Day 121 It's Like Fishing

I've been fishing, maybe a dozen times in my life. Maybe.  There are a couple things I remember about those widely separated
experiences.  One - you have to have the proper equipment. Two - you have to have the proper bait. Three - you have to have the proper amount of patience.

If you don't have those three minimally, you won't be much of a success fishing.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Day 120 Dangerous Living

I recently returned from Minneapolis. C and I have been on the road a lot lately and it has been for the most part absolutely wonderful.

When last I wrote I talked about flying being a rather uncivilized method of transportation.  The security line was long, but C and I got through fairly quickly as I had the use of a wheelchair. I'm back to not walking, the Charcot foot appears to be making itself known in my right foot now.