Saturday, August 5, 2017

Day 144 The Food We Eat

Our bodies are messed up.

A large portion of the population suffer from some sort of inflammation. This inflammation reveals itself in chronic pain, weight around the middle and a host of diseases associated with inflammation.

So, how good is the food we eat?

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Day 143 Celebrations

I'll be the first to admit the summer is tough for me. There were so many things once upon a time to celebrate during the summer. Now, for the most part those celebrations are far and removed from my everyday life, yet the ghosts of those bygone days are still with me.

Maybe it's a female thing, or maybe a particular personality type, but I can remember special events as if they happened yesterday. There are times when that is a real blessing. When I'm alone, it's a real curse.

My daughter reminds me that we often celebrated with food. It's true. Birthdays usually involved the birthday individual selecting a favorite meal to have prepared. Around my house that was things like homemade macaroni and cheese, or tacos. There were years where special cakes were requested.  I remember a strawberry spring - and it wasn't centered on the Strawberry Shortcake miniature dolls.  There was a year I made an "army" cake complete with a Jeep and tank.  One year I decorated a cake like it was a shirt and tie for my brother-in-law.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 142 Simple Plots

Some days, my kids think I'm really funny.  Not because I'm a comedian, but because of some of the things I like.

For instance, I've mentioned I really, really enjoy the film Galaxy Quest. It makes fun of just about every science fiction movie/story line out there and has it's own unique story as well. The main characters, especially the Captain and his chief Science Officer have one of the nicest character growth arcs I've seen in a movie. Pretty tough to do in two hours.  They run it every so often on Netflix, so if you haven't seen it, I think you might like it.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Day 141 Catching Up

As I've often done, I am going to beg forgiveness for any typos I don't manage to catch. I had a five day stay at the University Hospital and in the process, my eyes have gotten bad. I'm thinking I'm due for some more injections as I've had in the past.

The trip to University started because I couldn't keep down an antibiotic  called bactrim.  At the beginning of last month I  developed an open sore on the top of my big toe that tested positive for a nasty bacteria.  The wound occurred because the edge of the cast on my right foot rubbed the spot until it was open and susceptible for an infection.