Saturday, March 4, 2017

Day 52 Cluck, Cluck, Cluck

Don't be a chicken.

Cluck,  cluck, cluck. Stick your right hand under your right armpit; do the same on the left side.
Cluck, cluck, cluck.  Flap your elbows while your hands are under your armpits.  Cluck, cluck, cluck.

Aren't you being silly?

Of course, you are. Silly that is.

That's what it is when we let the small things take control of our lives. Silly.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Day 51 Everybody's Working for the Weekend

...or is it "It's Friday," or maybe "Saturday Night's Alright"?

Whatever it is, it is the weekend!

Yay!  So, what are you going to do this weekend? What are you going to try that is different, that will shake up your status quo?

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Day 50 Great Balls of Fire!

Good Golly, Miss Molly.

Today is day fifty of my blog. DAY FIFTY!

Fifty seems like such a big number.  Fifty days of writing. Fifty days of putting my thoughts to paper. Fifty is so much!

And yet, compared to what I want to do...fifty is less than a sixth.  I want to get three hundred sixty-five posts written.  Then I want to organize them from a free-thought sort of entry into something cohesive. I'm still not sure what that will look like yet, but I'm willing to bet I have more of an idea the closer I get to that goal.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Day 49 Go Orange and Go Home

Today was Optum Day.

Wear orange, celebrate all things Optum.


To be fair, all this was planned before the big announcement regarding closing the site.  I was on the board that helped plan Optum day, I helped choose the swag and contributed ideas on how we could have some fun. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 48 I Wish I May, I Wish I Might

...a long time ago, in a century further and further away, a couple of little kids chanted "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and amended some of the words.  Our little group used to say, "I wish I may, I wish I might see a satellite tonight."

I didn't see a satellite tonight. Tonight I saw an extended preview for a movie, "Ghost in the Shell" a movie based on a Japanese manga.  Now, out of fair disclosure, I don't read manga and I don't overall enjoy anime.  Nothing against the genres, or the people who do enjoy them, manga and anime just aren't for me. Generally, I don't read comics or watch cartoons either. I prefer my entertainment in the form of books, movies and television - the live action sort for the last two.

However, I have listened to people who do enjoy manga and anime and the stories they tell me regarding those forms intrigue me. My
oldest son brought Cowboy Be-bop into our home. I learned about some characters like Vash the Stampede from Trigun. I found out that the main character in the movie, "Priest" and that storyline were based on comic characters.

In short, comics have grown up and become quick vehicles for storytelling. Good ones are collectible and there are a number of people who make their living selling comic books and posters and other associated memorabilia.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Day 47 I Love ...

"...Peanut butter sandwiches," says the Count. Cookie loves cook-ies!

Who do you love?

I love my husband, my children, my little boy doggie, my friends, family members ... the list goes on.  I've always loved people, always loved to help, always was able to put myself into their moccasins.

Jesus Christ said, "Love your neighbor as yourself."

I don't think enough people do that - love themselves.  If you don't love yourself, it is hard to have genuine love for others.  I have to take care of me, so I can help those I care about.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 46 Getting 'er Done!

Yesterday I said was a really good day.

Today was even better!

I was wide-eyed wired last night after having caffeine a little too late. I was so awake that I didn't go to bed until sometime after 4:00am.

Yikes, right?

I got up at a reasonable time; no not noon.  I was out of bed by 9:30 this morning.  Things didn't quite work out for the first part of the morning as I'd hoped, but I put the time to good use.

I filled three decent sized boxes with books!  No long are my book shelves double lined.   What an accomplishment!  I also weeded through some clothes I no longer wear for various reasons (size, style, age) and put those into another box that had nick-knacks in it
and pretty much filled that box too.  We got it all loaded into the back of my vehicle along with a daybed frame taking up space in the garage.

We hauled it all off to Goodwill where I'm sure those things will find a second life.