Saturday, May 6, 2017

Day 104 Ancient Betrayal

Remember when I said I was not a morning person? 

That hasn't changed, I'm still not a morning person. But I do set my alarm and since I've been back from Baltimore, I've done a great job of getting my butt out of bed before 9.  Yeah, I know, a lot of you roll out of the cozy warmth of your blankets well before then. My hat is off to you. And I am not being sarcastic at all. I hate being up in the dark.

I actually made it to a workout this week at 6:00 am. The first rays of light started hitting the sky sometime around 6:30. I was a waste case pretty much the rest of the day.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Day 103 Experiment

Life can be a bit of an experiment. As humans we are wired with a little gland called the amygdala. It governs our flight or fight response and it is a quick learner. It has to be - it's job is protection.

Some experiments teach us. Remember putting the lit candle under the jar in science class?
The flame extinguished because it ran out of oxygen. We learn knives are sharp and stoves are hot and ice is slippery. Those were life experiences that the amygdala registered and stored. When we enter a potentially dangerous situation, the amygdala goes into action, pops up the appropriate expected reaction based on those past life experiments/experiences and instantly preps us to run for the hills or fight for the victory.

So, I did a little experiment and my amygdala isn't going to soon let me forget the result. A couple of folks asked about the Paleo Brownies. I made them and don't foresee doing them again anytime soon.  My amygdala has said that cacao doesn't taste very good.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Day 102 Catching up

I am so not a morning person.  People who've worked with me these past few years know that.  The days when I hit the office pre seven caused a few eyebrows to lift and a few grins.

Coffee doesn't wake me up, although after two or three in the afternoon it will keep me up past midnight.  Hence, I try, and sometimes forget, to avoid ingesting caffeine products in the later part of the day.

In a world that runs off a standard working day, I don't quite fit.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Day 101 Unemployment

Today, I applied for unemployment.

It's the first time I've ever done something like that and it feels a little strange.  I regret I have to use it because of recent events that I had zero control over, but I'm also glad it is there because it took me so long to get that last position.

Before the this last job, I worked for about six months as a ticket seller for an established movie theater that also sold bar style food.  There was a lot of standing, and over the winter, the lobby was cold.  Standing became painful and I was wrecking my back. I had to leave if I wanted to keep walking.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Day 100 Yes, You Read That Right!

Welcome to Day 100 of my blog!

I can hardly believe this will be my 100th post.  There are a lot of professional bloggers who do this all the time and probably have lost count of how many posts they've written, but for me this is a big deal.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Day 99 Winter Storm Warning

When we got to Lawrence, we had some rain.

Not so when we left.  There had been a heavy rainfall earlier in the morning that we didn't register until we actually ported the bags back to the car.


C was ill. Violently ill at about 4:00 am.  So, in one week I got to hear both of my son's lose just about everything in their stomach from the day before.  P had a pasty color similar to the one he had when he had his wisdom teeth out.  Similar, but not quite ghost-like.  This was the palest I've seen C.