Saturday, June 16, 2018

Day 161 Trinkets and Treasures (Pt 2)

When you are dying it opens your eyes in ways you don't expect.

While it is true, in a philosophical sense, that none of us is guaranteed our next breath, believing you have very few of them left changes your perspective.

I mentioned in the last article that family came to assist in general cleaning of my home which I hadn't really been up to par to do for a solid six months.

Unbeknownst to me was that my sister would be emptying cupboards and china shelves.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 160 Trinkets and Treasures (Pt 1)

Again, it's been a while since I posted, and I doubt this one will be of my usual length, so I apologize in advance.

This month has been challenge filled to say the very least.  I've spent five days in the hospital and a couple of days in the emergency room.  Yep, days.

If I look back, the trouble really erupted, much like the two hot volcanoes spewing right now, about six months ago.  C and I had just come home and I took my little Chihuahua out for his evening stroll. A path we routinely take minimally twice a day.  The route is paved and fairly even; there is nothing remarkable or strenuous about it.