Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Day 1

Welcome to the adventure I'm titling My Year of Dangerous Living.

Perhaps you are reading this because you know me, and dangerous living is the last description you would use when thinking about me. Perhaps you're curious what I mean by dangerous living.

Well, this is my year of dangerous living. Not reckless living, but rather intentional living. I am endeavoring to be stronger and being stronger means developing new concepts and habits about and for myself,

It means saying "no" when something isn't good for me; where saying no may ruffle feathers and when no may attempt to laden my shoulders with guilt.

It means saying "yes"  when it will grow me as a person, help me be better and when yes benefits me and those around me (not just those around me).

Intentional living means paying attention to the "maybe's." Not as a euphemism for "no", but rather as a clarion call for further examination, so that a definitive yes or no can be reached.

It means listening to my fears and analyzing them and breaking them down into manageable pieces and determining if in fact I should be afraid or if I am projecting my weaknesses and insecurities on to something that really doesn't deserve the negative attention I am giving.

Dangerous living by way of intentional, mindful living will also mean reflecting, journaling, reading and becoming more aware of my self, my environment, and the world I walk through.

Every day,

Today, I begin My Year of Dangerous Living.

Please feel free to join me, watch me, encourage me through the next 364 posts.  I'll welcome your company.