Saturday, January 13, 2018

Day 157 New Year New Start

We're not New Year's Eve party-goers.  About the wildest thing we ever did to say good-bye to the old year was go to a Red Wings game at Cobo in Detroit.

Low key.  That's how we end the year. Sometimes we're lucky if we make it to midnight - although the fireworks usually alert us to the change into the new year.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 156 Ending the Year

                                                                                                    Wow, we just left the past year in the dust.  Was it a good one?
Did you manage to accomplish any of last year's resolutions?  Can you find at least three bright spots?
Did I focus on the negative, no doubt about it.  But, the layoff also allowed me to attend my nephew's wedding and visit my oldest son in Baltimore, not restricted by return dates.