Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Day 21 Seeing Your Future

 In the SAVERS acronym V is for visualization. For my next step of dangerous living I am going to take visualization seriously.

In the past I had trouble with this concept. I don't see pictures in my mind, rather I see words.  I have no idea if anyone else is like this. I theorize there are people like me because I am pretty sure this is related to the modality of learning that one primarily uses. My modality is a mixed modality - I learn best by hearing and writing, then seeing what I wrote. Sound is engaged through listening, and writing involves kinesthetic learning and then I see/read what I wrote.

The best way to visualize is to engage the sense of sight. For me, no other way can even come close to working.  I can't think, or remember in my mind a picture.  So, there is, for me only one way around visualization. Create a vision board, or notebook - some collection of visual materials that you can look at every morning.

I have to admit, creating a vision board seemed ridiculous to me initially.  How could looking at random pictures help me accomplish anything. Well, the thing is, when you visualize you actually participating in the law of attraction. When I realized that I couldn't conjure an actual picture in my mind, I decided to give vision boards a go.

I'd like to say that I came up with this all on my own, but the first way I came across vision boards was to go to a goal setting workshop coinciding with the New Year. The hostess of the meeting had a wide collection of magazines. There were health and fitness magazines, sporting magazines, fashion magazines. The collection was varied and covered just about every topic there is a magazine for. I found a diabetes magazine and an art magazine that really seemed to resonate with me.

In order for a vision board to work, you need to have some sort of an idea of what you would like to accomplish.  One of my goals is to get a handle on my diabetes.  I found a picture of a woman running with the headline "Today I took charge of my diabetes." I cut it out.  I found other pictures and headlines that fit some of the things I want in my life.  

Collect up some magazines that you feel comfortable cutting up and tossing when you're done. Give yourself some time, maybe away from home if you can swing it.  An hour or two should be sufficient. In order to create your board you'll need a small amount of office supplies like glue or tape, scissors, makers.  You can make this anyway you want. However you do it, it should be pleasing to your own eyes. This is for you!

If you have a close friend that is trying to improve their life as well, perhaps the two of you can get together and create your board at the library on someone's home. There is no right or wrong way to create a vision board. Keep that in mind. It is yours and only yours.

This variety of pictures I glued on to poster board.  I shied away from the standard white and went for a bright blue instead. Something that would attract my attention. I put quotes and pictures on that vision board relating to diabetes, travel, relationships, and my health.

You put on your vision board the things that you want to be important in your life. Maybe you have family you haven't seen in a long time living in another country. You could look for a picture of a family celebration, or a picture of that country. Maybe earning or saving money is important. Dollar signs or banks or piggy-banks or other depictions related to wealth might go on your board.

If you think of the board like a collage, there is really no wrong way to do it.  The only guideline I would suggest is that the pictures on your vision board are of things that are important to you, things that inspire you, things that make you feel great. Make it yours. 

It is important to look at your vision board every day. A couple times a day is even better. It's like an exercise for your brain (don't you wish they were all that easy?).

By repeatedly looking at the things you want to accomplish you feed your self-conscious, just like you do with affirmations. The two are closely related.

Have fun creating your vision board. May it lead to exciting things in your life!