Monday, February 6, 2017

Day 31 Girl Scout Cookie Temptation

Oh my gosh! It's ten o'clock at night and not only have I not written a word for the blog, but I'm not even sure what topic I'm going to write on.

I was thinking earlier today about writing about customer service, but there are waay too many horror stories out there about customer service, and then the lessons about how to provide customer service are pretty much all the same, so I don't think I can really put a new spin or enlighten anyone with new bits of wisdom.

Wow, was that ever a run-on sentence!

The weather was gorgeous today and I'll take what I can get in February.  It will make the winter go so much faster if I believe that spring is almost here.

Where oh where did all the time go?

That's a really good reason to keep a log or a journal. Some sort of recording of what you've done with your time. Hopefully, when you look back you will see what you've accomplished and not concentrate on the spots in your life where you failed, or didn't quite hit the mark you set for yourself.

Sometimes, we, frankly, need to remember where we came from in order to access how far we've traveled. This is a good practice because we celebrate our success's rather than enter a state of depression or self-flagellation over our failures, or how far we really still must go to achieve a goal.

My boss mentioned something about have a New Year's goal of eating better and losing weight. So, six weeks of the New Year have come and gone and she was focused on her failures and not her successes. Sometimes the failures loom large.  But we need to remember that failures are just a way of learning what doesn't work. 

You know, like since it is Girl Scout cookie season, you have probably learned that keeping Girl Scout cookies easily accessible while you are on a diet are not going to help you win the battle of the waistline.

I recently found a journal of mine from a few years back. There was a lot of moaning and groaning and angst. Some of it was well-founded. A lot wasn't. And some hadn't changed.

Now, if there is going to be a failure that should be it - why hasn't some of the baggage I've written about in the past changed?  Something to think about, and then something to "do" about.  I don't want another year or five or ten go by and I'm still writing about having trouble stabilizing my blood sugar, or attempting to lose ten pounds, or not having gotten anywhere with my physical fitness goals. 

So, we record, then at a predetermined time, we read what we recorded and we check ourselves. We check our progress and make the subtle changes we need to make to stay on target.

And we absolutely stay away from the door at the grocery store where they are selling Girl Scout cookies.