Sunday, June 4, 2017

Day 122 New Norm

The last two days have been days of adjustment.

Friday, I got the cast on my right foot.  It's interesting what losing your dominant foot does.  You don't realize the little things like getting out of bed - your first step is with your dominant side. Same
with walking up steps/stairs.  You go to your dominant side first.

Life in the tri-level is interesting because I have to deal with stairs on a regular basis.  I may end up sleeping on the family room level just to avoid one longer set of stairs, as opposed to the five steps into the kitchen/living room level.

So, I'm getting used to doing things differently - again.  

With my right foot in a cast, driving is a bit more problematic.  C insists on driving because he is in need of the car for his work.  He's putting in a number of twelve hour days. Last week he was in training for a leadership role and worked first shift with a healthy dose of second. It is looking like he is going to be on second shift this week - and applying his new skills. Hopefully, he won't work twelve hour shifts.

I've a phone interview in a couple of days.  I've got a list of questions to ask:

How often are employees evaluated and then compensated?
What is the average percentage of increase?
Is there overtime? Is it voluntary or mandatory?
Are there shifts, and are there shift differentials?
Education opportunities?
How are sales compensated?
Advancement opportunities? How long do you have to be in a position to move to a new one?

Questions of that nature. (If you think of others be sure to speak up!)

I did apply for a number of interesting jobs this past week.  I hope I baited the hook well.  My sister reminded me there is another aspect to fishing that is important and it applies to looking for a new job as well - being in the right spot at the right time.

The w orkforce center gave me a list of job openings a couple of weeks ago.  It was astonishing the number of jobs that wanted to start people at minimum wage.  With pot shops paying $17 - 20 an hour, I don't know how it is possible for a hospital to offer to start folk at $9.30.

Nonetheless, I have to get myself back into a new schedule of waking up at a reasonable time and tracking my accomplishments.  It is so easy to fall into a lethargy with no real demand on your time.

I do have a pair of on-line courses I'm taking, so I need to get hopping with those.  There is also a third course I'm taking that years ago started out as a correspondence course.  I've two lessons to finish the class and doing so will provide a huge sense of accomplishment.

It's up to me to make great use of my time.  I'm rereading Miracle Morning and implementing some of that strategy as well.  Now is the time to make some habit changes, especially while I am fairly home bound.  By the time I am out of the casting period, those habits should be pretty well established.

So, I am working on a new norm. I could resent some of the things that are creating this new norm, but I'd rather look at them as opportunities that are making themselves open and available to me. I certainly have enough to fill my time if I choose to take advantage of the free time.