Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Day 129 Progress?

Shame on me.

I feel like I haven't made any real progress since my last post, so instead of writing, I hid.

I can't do that. I've done such a good job of writing every day about the things I'm finding out about.  So shame on me.

This post may be short, but it will be the truth.

Sleep has been claiming a lot of my time. I think it is because depression is rearing its ugly head and trying to devour me.  How bad is it? So bad that to avoid going to bed too early last night I watched Tremors 5.  Yep, I watched a bad series about the graboid worms and their life cycle.  Desperate.

I did have a couple semi-wins this week though.  I got a call from a former manager (of the company that shall not be named) which was quite a surprise and she wanted to know if I would be interested in a job at the new place in the quality department. I would be, if I can go to quality.

I was told I would be contacted that day but I wasn't. Two days later a recruiter called me for a combo training/coaching position.  Made it sound really good, but it's for the "ramp" season, a temporary position that I don't feel at all qualified for and that won't offer benefits.

Sorry folks. I need benefits. COBRA for just myself is $580 and some change.  If I have to provide my own coverage, I need to be making in the vicinity of $20 an hour.  Oh, but actually, the job is a little worse than just being a temporary contract job.  It's also salaried.  I've seen what some of the coaches put in time-wise and I can tell you that isn't me.  My overall healthy can't afford the stress of sixty hour weeks without appropriate compensation (or even with).

Haven't heard back from Graebel, so I'll follow up on that in the morning.

Other than that, I've been trying to tackle my to-do list.  The weather was lovely today, so I did get out and trim the "volunteers" that are shooting up at the base of the unknown tree at the end of the driveway.  The volunteers were about two feet tall, but not too thick yet, so I got them trimmed and trashed.

I'll work on the cottonwood at the top of the driveway next, hopefully tomorrow.  It is amazing how the property looks so much better with the volunteers gone. Hoping for the same look with the cottonwood.

Tomorrow, though, I'm wearing long pants.  I was in some running shorts today and the grass was a little itchy.  Have to remember I'm allergic to the blue grass.

Writers need to read, so I am starting a couple of books. One is called The Charge by Brendon Burchard, and the other is Exit Wounds by J.A. Jance.  Self-help and murder mystery. That should challenge my brain a bit. 

I can't turn into a television blob who continually watches the likes of Tremors 5.

And that's all folks (in my best Porky Pig voice).