Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Day 132 Preparation

I can't believe it is after midnight and I am still up, wide awake even.

I meant to go to bed hours ago, but I guess I'm a bit keyed up over the interview I'm having tomorrow.  The way I see it, it is really another dry run for the ones I hope will be coming real soon in the education field.  

For some reason I can't get the scanner/printer/fax combo machine we have to work so I had to head over to FedEx Office.  I had my resume in an email and forwarded it to them and boom, they printed three copies super fast.

I'm excited to be doing this and a bit nervous like I was a few months back, but I'm hoping that looking at this as practice will help me keep the jitters at bay.

There is an indescribable peace I have with this renewed direction which is just as exciting as the possibilities. It helps keep the depression in check.  It's there, lurking, waiting for an opportunity to strike, like some predator in the brush.

Depression is weird. It is a daily battle and the battle rages minute by minute.  When you are on the successful winning side, the depression is held back for longer, but you know it is still there waiting for you.

Throw in a few unfortunate circumstances and the battle is a bit tougher. That's where friends and family and support systems come in.  They can help you survive.

Day by day, step by step you try to move forward and some days are better than others.  In this book I'm reading, the author mentions that by having even small victories, you can savor them, and use them to encourage you for the next battle for your heart and mind.  It is good to remember successes big and small.  That's why keeping a diary or journal is so important.

So often we forget the place we were at was so much worse than the place we are now.  When I think about first going into health insurance, there wasn't much of the real me showing.  The job helped me come out of a protective cocoon I'd built around myself.  When I remember that, and look at where I am now, I can see that I've had some victories. 

Tomorrow, will more than likely be such a thing as well.  I plan on going in with my questions and finding out if there was truth in the advertisement I read.  The company is out of Texas and has been around a while, but is new to my community, so we'll see what it is all about.

Because I contacted this company through Craig's List, C is insisting on going to the interview with me.  Not the actual interview, but he wants to check out how legit it is.  He got involved in a scam some time back and he's just trying to make sure it's not going to be something similar.  It's sweet really and it shows he cares but I've seen enough scams that I'm confident this isn't one. At least not an employment scam.

We'll see about the actual job. That is where the questions will come in from my side. And that whole 'if it's too good to be true'  philosophy will have an opportunity to make itself known.

We just found out some of our counterparts in Orlando were given their notice. They aren't with the company that shall not be named, but with the company that purchased this line of business from them.  You know how it goes when a company has to merge with another company, the loss of jobs is usually a part of the acquisition.  It sucks.

Man, I hate the games we have to play now though.  You have to alter your resume so a scanner can pick up key words. make a big deal out of your accomplishments, in short sell yourself.  It feels weird, especially when you've been taught that success is built on teamwork.  You've probably heard someone say, "There is no I in team." But then you have to toot your horn to some stranger who may or may not even be the person you will be working with or for.

Well, like I said, I am using this as a dry run for the interviews I pray will be coming down the pike.  If I make a mistake, I'll learn from it and apply it to the next interview.

Now, to navigate all the legalities of getting that license - I think I have to start with transcripts and fingerprints.