Saturday, January 13, 2018

Day 157 New Year New Start

We're not New Year's Eve party-goers.  About the wildest thing we ever did to say good-bye to the old year was go to a Red Wings game at Cobo in Detroit.

Low key.  That's how we end the year. Sometimes we're lucky if we make it to midnight - although the fireworks usually alert us to the change into the new year.

Traditionally, we have lox and everything bagels for breakfast and the the remainder of the day is spent relaxing watching games or movies or some such activity.

So, although we don't make a big deal out of end of the year thing, I still like New Years. A number of people make resolutions which pretty much hit the skids by February.  I like it because it is a time to wipe the slate clean and start all over.  It's a time to forgive myself  myself and others of the failings of the prior year. It's an opportunity to examine what went well and what didn't and then take those lessons and apply them going forward.
I set a few goals, but more importantly I lay out a path and a timeline for achieving them.  I try not to have more than two or three.  Any more and it gets to be a bit overwhelming. Can't speak for anyone else, but when that happens to me, I tend to freeze and I no longer move forward.

My biggest goal for the year is to drink more water and avoid dehydration which caused its fare share of problems for me in the past.  A friend got me a water filter for Christmas and I have this nice water bottle from the University that holds three cups (24 oz?) and I keep that full all the time.

My second goal is to find a way to earn some additional income whether that be working from home or going to a j.o.b.  I've some challenges in that regard due to my Charcot foot, heart issues and diminishing eyesight. But, if I want to do some of the things I'd like to do, I've got to have some extra money.

I'm looking at some online classes that have the potential to help me.  I'm praying, sending positive thoughts to the universe and paying it forward as much as I can. Something will turn up, I am confident of that. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11