Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Day 163 Risking

In order to break some of my own personal boundaries, I have to be willing to try something new.

For the past decade, that is something overall I haven't done a very good job of. 
About five years ago, inspired / reminded by my brother of my desire to skydive, I took to the skies and plummeted to the earth. It was an exhilarating, unforgettable experience. 

Since then ...

Well, the only other something new I did was get into the health insurance field, first by being a medicare supplement salesperson, and then moving into call quality analysis.

Overall, pretty boring.

In almost a decade I've tried two new things.

Today, I decided to step out of my comfort zone - not by doing anything wild  but by trying something a little adventurous in the kitchen, a firecracker cake.
Overall, it was pretty darn simple. I had to figure out how to melt frosting without the microwave recommended in the recipe, but I've enough old school cooking knowledge that solving a missing microwave problem wasn't difficult.  
Remember double boilers, anyone?

Seriously, this cake wasn't difficult at all. A couple extra steps coloring frosting and the batter, but that was really it. And the thing is, this is going to look really festive for the 4th of July potluck I'm attending.

After all was done I thought of a couple other ideas I might incorporate into a future incarnation.  How about giving the red frosting a touch of cinnamon flavoring? Or throw things really off and give the blue a blueberry touch.  I would imagine you could forego the blue coloring and opt for well-drained blueberries in the batter, or on top, or heck, maybe even both.

Trying something new doesn't have to be difficult.  I'm not an old stogy stuck in my ways.  I'm willing to learn.  I just have to figure out what it is I want to learn, maybe add it to that bucket list, and then go for it.

Happy experimenting.