Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Day 14 Hidden Graces

Last night was a respite.

Sometimes you need those.  The night before when it was so cold, and the heater rattled non-stop I didn't sleep well. Last night was wonderful.

C and I slept in.  We didn't have to be at campus until noon and it felt wonderful.  They say you can't catch up on sleep but I'm not sure that is entirely true.  I know I felt a lot better getting the extra z's. 

C checked out of his campus room today and said good-bye to some friends and acquaintances.
This was his first school of choice and saying good-bye was bitter-sweet. He is going to make the most of it (I hope) by reexamining what it is he really wants to do with his life career wise.  He made peace with the situation and is going to move forward and use this in-between time as a time of reflection. What is that saying...don't cry over spilled milk?

It didn't take all that long to pack up his larger belongings and we hit the road again.  We made it as far as Des Moines, which is a hefty haul.

If ever there were a money making opportunity it has to be in Des Moines, IA. Hotels are not obvious or easy to find right off the highway and restaurants are equally difficult to locate.  We were left scratching our heads and ended up eating from a Pizza Hut.  So much for a Sunday evening.

The saving grace of the evening? We watched The Dude in The Big Lebowski and used the auto publish features of the web. An additional bonus...we saw a wonderful detailed preview/mini-documentary on Hidden Figures.  

Hidden Figures just may well be one of the most important films of the year in empowering women.  I am really looking forward to seeing it soon.