Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Day 101 Unemployment

Today, I applied for unemployment.

It's the first time I've ever done something like that and it feels a little strange.  I regret I have to use it because of recent events that I had zero control over, but I'm also glad it is there because it took me so long to get that last position.

Before the this last job, I worked for about six months as a ticket seller for an established movie theater that also sold bar style food.  There was a lot of standing, and over the winter, the lobby was cold.  Standing became painful and I was wrecking my back. I had to leave if I wanted to keep walking.

The place was pretty terrible to work for most of the runners and servers.  Wages were fair, but, the working hours and schedule were inhuman. There were times when my compatriots closed the theater late on a Friday evening (think after midnight) and  had to be back by 8:00 the next morning. Kids can DO that schedule but it isn't fair to them or anyone else to do a turnaround time like that.

C had a job that did something similar. They would schedule him to close and then have him scheduled the next morning to work the dock (5:00 am).  Those nights he did not have a chance to get 8 hours of sleep. Ya, kids can do it, but it always costs something - sleep, socializing, health.

I'd applied at some places in the neighborhood like Wendy's, but I couldn't even get Wendy's to acknowledge a phone call much less the online application I filed. I looked for months at all sorts of places keeping in mind some of my limitations. So, I was pretty happy to get the last job. It paid $15 an hour to start which was nearly twice minimum wage.  

So while I fill odd about getting unemployment, it is unemployment insurance. It's to cushion while I search for the next great thing. It's a benefit I paid into, and it was a benefit the company paid into. 

Nowadays, you can do a lot over the internet.  I, however, stumbled at some of the information the state wanted versus what we were told to do by our former employer. I can only hope that I provided the correct information.

As part of the UI compensation, I'm currently required to apply to five jobs a week. I tried my hand at finding alternative employment shortly before closing but haven't gotten any serious bites. 

P thinks I would be good at the standardized patient job. I know I can give good feedback, I've been doing so nearly my entire professional life.

I'm sorry to cut this short, but thunderstorms are rolling through. It was a rather dry winter, so the storms are welcome, but lightning and computers don't mix well, and I'd rather not lose what I've just written.

Adieu for now.  I'll see you tomorrow.