Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Day 107 Small Victories

The past few days have been struggles. I lack motivation and it takes effort to not crawl back into bed.

I combat these days the best I can, but sometimes I forget the tools I've been able to give myself.

Today, I remembered. I used my post-it-notes and jotted things down.  I didn't get all those jots completed, but they are there to give me something to do tomorrow.

I was partially successful today because of my dog, Bolt.  He's rather insistent about getting outdoors.  I guess, when you have to go, you have to go.  He gets in my face about it too.  I think he has some sort of honed sense of when I've had enough sleep.

So we started the morning with a nice walk, then I went to work out.  When I exercise, it is always a good thing as it gets my blood pumping and really wakes me up.  Afterwards, I got a manicure and pedicure done. 

By then it was time for lunch, so I headed home and enjoyed a meal, sort of, with C.  His schedule is sort of messed up right now because he is working second shift, and pulling some overtime hours. He gets home between midnight and 3:00am.  

After he left I watched a little television, then decided to not spend the day on my butt, vegging.

I went back into the garage.  I swept leaves and potting soil into the driveway.  I pulled out the lawn mower and gave it a couple of good yanks.  I've never been successful starting a mower and today was no exception. C is going to have to crank that baby up for me. 

Bolt insisted on another walk and we went further this time. He has this whole little routine he does when we walk the bike path behind the house.  We go down to the three-way intersection where the poop bags and trash can are and where the four yippy little dogs are.  

For whatever reason, Bolt likes those dogs and if he doesn't spend adequate time saying hello through the fence, he howls.  His howl, which doesn't sound like anything that should be coming from a dog gets them all going. He keeps it up until we round the corner where he gets to talk to the Great Dane, Zeus.  I don't know exactly what they talk about but I get the feeling they are planning a coup.

We got home and I tackled a little more in the garage.  Emptied a box, but away some Kaiser camping gear, rearranged a few things to make a little more space. That foray yielded a box of things to go to charity. The back of the Sante Fe is beginning to fill.

Encouraged by the progress in the garage, I selected a few more items from my wardrobe to hit the charity bin; a sweater, pajama bottoms, a couple of white blouses.

With such accomplishments, I didn't feel bad about taking a fifteen minute cat-nap. Then Bolt and I were out again, walking the neighborhood.  Most of his buddies were in their homes this time. 

I have to remember how I can work on defeating depression.  Getting small tasks accomplished helps. Today, I even managed to do a few of the regular household chores.  I have to remember what I did today, tomorrow. I need to build on those little successes.  Each step is a step forward.

Tomorrow, I'll back the one box from the garage into the car, and then I'll look at another.  The boxes are decent sized - the size of paper boxes.  When one is moved or taken out of the picture it really impacts the organization of the garage.

Then having completed that one small task I'll tackle something else. Maybe a few more clothes out of the closet; clothes I haven't worn in a while, maybe some old coats too.  

One thing leads to another and I don't have any appointments demanding my time.  It will be interesting to see what I accomplish. While it would be terrific if I did something large and grand I'll be happy with any forward momentum.

And maybe, just maybe, the sun will shine a tiny bit brighter tomorrow and that will help lift my spirits too.

And maybe, just maybe, the sun will shine a tiny bit brighter tomorrow and that will help lift my spirits too.

I can be like Little Orphan Annie and remind myself, "The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar tomorrow there'll be sun....tomorrow, tomorrow...it's only a day away."