Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Day 140 Preparation

I know it has been awhile again since I've posted to the blog. It hasn't been for lack of want, but more for lack of content. I am trying to write every day, using another template called 750 Words.

This post may be a little short as well as I just got peppermint oil in my left eye. I've done a eye wash, but air is really bothering it right now

Content has been lacking as I mentioned before and that is my fault
 I haven't been engaging my mind enough and am in fact, wasting the time that I've been given.

I am trying hard to rectify the waste. So, what have I been doing? I am still in the process of culling, but now I am up to really big things - things like furniture.

I've nearly cleaned out and off the desk that resided at the end of the kitchen. My goal is to put a small table there to use for C and I. Something that won't take up a lot of room. The desk, a really heavy one will be moved to the garage, and then ARC will pick it up next month.

I'm doing the same in the master bedroom. There is a bookcase that is overladen that needs culling. I've pulled out of the drawers and my closet the equivalent of two or three kitchen sized trash bags of clothes. I donated seven pairs of shoes and two pairs of boots to ARC along with a few other odds and ends.

The shoes were kept in an odd piece of furniture that made its way around the house over the years.  It is heavy as all get-out and has two long drawers and the bottom and three long open shelves. It has stored art, CDs, movies, games, has had a long and useful life in our home. That will be going to ARC as well.

I am going to say good-bye to some pieces of furniture from my childhood. I'm hoping someone has a daughter somewhere that likes French Provencal furniture ala Sears from the early 1970s. The dresser needs some TLC, but the desk is in awesome shape.

So, a desk, a container, a dresser, oh, and a couple of couches are among the big stuff leaving. The process of decluttering is time consuming and messy.  I've gone through a LOT of paper and have filled my recycling bin to the top edges.

On the plus side, I found my camera in the garage in an unexpected location. How it got there, well, I have a couple of ideas but not a real recollection. 

I also found an exercise book that I used years ago back in high school.  It's missing its paper cover but the essential stuff is still there.  It is the Royal Canadian Air Force XBX regime. You follow the guide and exercise every day at prescribed levels of intensity, staying at each level for a recommended number of days before moving to the next level.
This is the program it is rumored Helen Mirren uses. According to some of the charts I filled out in the book, I first used the XBX program when I was sixteen. A lifetime ago.

I've also discovered I have a predilection for journals. I have found two Mickey Mouse journals. Between the two, two pages were marked on (one was a list).  I've also found a number of composition books.  I tend to pick those up when they go on sale for back-to-school preparations. Found three of those today, and some spiral notebooks that were barely used. I tore out the pages that are no longer needed, so those can be used fresh now too.

No one get me any notebooks/journals for gifts, okay? I have plenty, and I'm sure I won't be able to resist the temptation as it rolls around again. Eventually, those will all go into a supply closet (which also needs to be cleared) and all the writing supplies will be together.

So, while it looks like there hasn't been much headway in my home, looks are deceiving.  I have to empty the drawers and tops in order to get rid of the big stuff. I've tossed and/or given away a lot of stuff I just no longer need.

Along the way I'm discovering some things too.

Now, I think I'll get to my XBX.