Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 142 Simple Plots

Some days, my kids think I'm really funny.  Not because I'm a comedian, but because of some of the things I like.

For instance, I've mentioned I really, really enjoy the film Galaxy Quest. It makes fun of just about every science fiction movie/story line out there and has it's own unique story as well. The main characters, especially the Captain and his chief Science Officer have one of the nicest character growth arcs I've seen in a movie. Pretty tough to do in two hours.  They run it every so often on Netflix, so if you haven't seen it, I think you might like it.

I'll also admit I'm an action junkie.  I really enjoyed all the Liam Neeson Taken films. A couple of his one liners are iconic - "I have a very specific set of skills," and "I will find you," are the coldest, coolest threat to bad guys just about ever. And those few words have inspired a boatload of memes.

Of course, we can't discount Mr. Bruce Willis in his Die Hard movie franchise. There are so many great one liners in that series it is nigh on impossible to choose just one.


Tonight, though, I watched another of my favorite action flicks. A little series with Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart - I'll call it The Fallen series. The first was Olympus Has Fallen, the second, London Has Fallen. The plot centers on the President of the U.S. and some attempt by terrorists to create havoc at home or abroad.

For the fourth or fifth time I've watched London Has Fallen. I saw it in the theater when in came out in 2016, and it is now on Netflix where I've watched it a few times. As I said the plot is simple. Not a lot of twists and turns - straight forward. World leaders are gathered in London to attend the state funeral of the British Prime Minister who passed away from an apparent heart attack after surgery.  Terrorists have infiltrated the police and they assassinate in rapid order the French, Canadian, German, Italian and Japanese dignitaries sent to attend the funeral. The President is there as well. The rest of the story centers on the President's bodyguard protecting the President and getting him to safety. As I said, simple.

There execution of the assassination plots take place all over London, from one of the bridges, to Westminster Abby, to St. Paul's Cathedral to the Themes river. Each occur in a slightly different manner, but all efficient with no seeming escape.

The attack on St. Paul's is intense. The bad guys are loaded with bombs and automatic weapons. This plan took years to put into place and patience for the right opportunity to execute.  Our hero has altered the presidential schedule which throws things out of whack just a bit - long enough to buy them time to get into a bullet proof vehicle and attempt an escape. 

They get to the helicopter only to be targeted by stinger missiles. Next is escaping on foot, and then outwitting a death squad tracking  out heroes down.  Then it is trying to get to the embassy only to be captured. It looks like the terrorists are going to execute the President live - streaming it on social media.

I really enjoy the choreography of this film. While the plot of simple, the filming of it is not. There are explosions to coordinate and an intense car chase to control. The movie is filled with gunfire and pyrotechnics. There is a lot of bang for your $10 a month subscription. Definitely worth the price of admission. Oh, and there is swearing, but I swear (ha ha) that this is one of the few films I've seen where the swearing is realistic and appropriate.  I think if people were shooting at me, throwing grenades, and launching stingers at my helicopter, I might use a few choice words in expressing my terror in the situation and my anger toward the perpetrators.

Sometimes, I think, we need a simple straight forward story where we know who the good guys are and where terrorism doesn't win.  Too many times in the past year we've seen the devastating results of the real thing. 

It isn't until we are faced with the real thing that we truly find out what we are made of and react. Although I hate the stories of nightclubs becoming target practice, I'm encouraged by the heroics I find out about afterward.

It is what ordinary people do in extraordinary situations that reveals out mettle.  The sort of courage people on Flight 93 had when they knew they were going to die no matter what and they acted to prevent further, deeper tragedy. I hope, should I be faced with that sort of decision, I can rise to the battle and do what is necessary.

But of course, I really hope I'm never in that situation.  Just as I pray you are never there.  Yet, too often of late, we've seen ordinary people in clubs and theaters have to face such a monster head on.  I hope we can be like St. George and slay the dragons that threaten our lives.

So, here is too simple plots with lots of action to help us all become heroes, even if it is just in our minds. May we never have to call on them for assistance and if we do, let us rise to meet the occasion that we are faced with.