Saturday, August 5, 2017

Day 144 The Food We Eat

Our bodies are messed up.

A large portion of the population suffer from some sort of inflammation. This inflammation reveals itself in chronic pain, weight around the middle and a host of diseases associated with inflammation.

So, how good is the food we eat?

There is more and more evidence that supports the idea that even our food that is grown without pesticides, gmo, and fertilizers aren't as good for us as the same food our forbearers ate. A lot of this has to do with the depletion of the mineral content of our soil. In some cases, the soil itself is contaminated with run-off from the vestiges of industrialization. Recently, three cities in southern Colorado were found to have water that was not drinkable due to pollution caused by flame retardant used by the local Air Force base.

The only real shot at knowing what is in your food is if you grow it yourself, and then grow it in some sort of container that is not filled with your backyard dirt.  Raised garden beds, the soil purchased and purportedly meeting some sort of standards seems the best way to know just what is in the ground where your garden grows.

Apart from that, eating organically and supplementing with vitamins is the smart thing to do these days. With metabolic syndrome on the rise worldwide, and more and more cases of celiac and gluten intolerances, it is up to us individually to boost our immune systems and cellular health.

There is a company named Vibrant America that can do a very extensive blood test to determine all sorts of things that may be causing you inflammation. In the section regarding upper respiratory disorders and allergies, I found out that I'm allergic to Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, Redtop/Bentgrass, common Ragweed, Kentucky Blue and Meadow grass and Saltwort and Russian Thistle.  In the area I live, this is a nearly constant exposure and explains why my sinuses go nuts nearly all the time.

Half of the markers checked for inflammation were high for me. So now, rather than just feeling bad (mentally and physically) I can take action to reduce the inflammation and head off the allergic reactions I have to the grasses growing in my region.

According to the book I am currently reading entitled "Cured 81 Natural Cures for Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's and More..." some very simple supplements can be taken to help the body's immune system function better. Functioning better means the body can do the things it was intended to do, better and with less interference.

One of the basic things you can do is take a multi-vitamin that has trace elements in it such as zinc.  Doing everything in your power to have a healthy "gut" will also improve the inflammation in your body.  Probiotics are essential to good health.  Add Vitamin C to your daily regime and you will be on the correct path for decreasing inflammation and improving your immune system.

The bottom line is the good you do, or the bad you do have a direct impact on your body. No exercise hurts your body. Even moderate exercise, small things such as lifting your arms over your head as if you were weight lifting, can begin to get the muscles back into shape and doing what they were intended to do. Eating well, avoiding deep fried and fast foods will benefit you. 

Cutting back on the "bread" items we eat (sandwiches, hamburgers, potatoes, rice, and other starches) can allow our internal organs a chance to rest and heal. There is a reason the paleo folks are so crazy about their high protein diet - they've forsaken a lot of the manmade, highly doctored starch foods and they feel better.  Some day take a look at all the ingredients that are in a small bag of potato chips.  It's daunting the amount of stuff that is in them past potatoes, oil and salt.  All those preservatives, all those enhancers, all those artificial colors and ingredients are best left out of our diets.

Another factor that has a profound influence on inflammation are the fruits/vegetables we eat from the nightshade family.  This includes things like tomatoes and green peppers. Once upon a time I used to eat tomatoes like they were apples.  Back then my body could recover easier from the abuse I put it through.  I've cut way back on those to the point that now if I eat them it is because I ate some combination food that I didn't think about having those ingredients.

My last bout of dehydration was brought about because of a medication I was taking.  The antibiotic wrecked my stomach and intestines. Antibiotics are hard on your body, and I was on some of the most powerful stuff out there. Now I need to give my body the proper nutrition it needs, and the proper rest it needs (do not underestimate the power of a good night of sleep). I'm supplementing with 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, a small dose of Vitamin E and a fair amount of Vitamin D. I'll be looking in to some other potential supplements, as well as working on ways of reducing oxidative stress and improving cellular health.  As I uncover more of this information, I'll share it here.

As with anything regarding your health, be sure to talk with your health care provider. I am not a doctor, or even a scientist.  I can only share what I've uncovered and what is working or not working for me.  It is your responsibility to become aware of what your body is doing and telling you and to discuss that with your medical professional.

Until next time, eat well, work hard, play hard and get plenty of rest.