Sunday, December 10, 2017

Day 152 Potporri

A little more of this and that.

C is stuffed up, feverish and in general, just miserable. He needs a couple of days of sleep which is not going to happen since they need every breathing body available for the close of open enrollment.
Hopefully the computer systems will be working properly.  It hearkens back to the days of the first open enrollment  where the state exchanges had massive web failures.  You'd think after all this time, properly working web sites and programs wouldn't be an issue.

This sort of thing is not uncommon, unfortunately.  Little tweaks have to be made each year - things like changing the plan year date, or the rates.  But, in two different companies now, I've seen that what should be simple isn't.  Updates break programs.  A little planning and a whole lot of testing should prevent overload failure but it doesn't.

Moving along...I got about half of my Christmas cards done today.  An item that is getting close to complete on my to-do list.  I also have to look for some meatless, sugarless recipes (sugar substitutes are not an option) for Christmas. My daughter and her husband don't do either and I really want to contribute to their holiday meal. She asked if I would dig through my recipes and find her aunt's Brussels sprout recipe.  Her aunt made it on a regular basis for the holidays and it was a family favorite.
Got to attend  a NFL game today. It was a beautiful day for a football game, and it was a special treat the home team won.

Still tracking my blood pressure and weight.  I'm not sure if the weight change is permanent or not as I have had some salt over the past few days.  It remains to be seen if what I noticed yesterday is real, or water.  Stay tuned.

Finally, I am knocking off a few things on my list, but more importantly, I've started to feel well enough to take some preemptive action. This was evidenced today by a spill that in the throes of my depression I would have let sit. Not so today, so three cheers for me.  It remains to be seen what tomorrow brings.