Sunday, August 19, 2018

Day 165 Celebrating

Recently, I just celebrated a milestone birthday.  They seem to come around about every decade.

Ten years has made a huge difference.  Ten years ago, my oldest was still in college, one in high school and one in middle school. Now they are all adults.

Ten years ago, I hadn't had my first heart attack.  I wasn't dealing with depression, or dealing with the long-term effects of diabetes. Today, I have flat feet, a damaged heart, and fight depression on a daily basis.

But, those three kids mentioned above.  Well, they are something special.  And they pulled off something special. 

My eldest flew into town and got in late that first evening. With a change in time zones, he was up early, and I wasn't far behind, but far enough.  He was out walking, going down to the local supermarket to get a Starbucks.

I walked my chihuahua and took care of a few errands.  Eventually,
everyone was awake and moving about.  We decided to go to breakfast/brunch and rather than take my car, a high-end Lyft was ordered, and we were whisked away to downtown where we had a lovely breakfast at Syrup.

We had some time to pass until we could meet up with my daughter so the boys took me shopping, got me a hair cut, and even attempted to get me a make-over.  Mid afternoon we had tea, sitting outdoors across from the Paramount theater venue,  people watching.  The warm afternoon was perfect and the conversation light and enjoyable.

Tea finished, my eldest asked if I was ready to return home.  I was ready.  He suggested we pick up our Lyft around the corner and led the way.  As we turned the corner, I started to wonder how a Lyft driver was going to find us among the people and the cars. 
We crossed one corner, then another, then my son ducked into a hotel.

Made sense - hotels had valets and designated pick-up/drop-off locations.  The hotel he went into was none other than The Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver.

My daughter caught up to us, and the trio whisked me away to dinner at Maggiano's where they presented me with a beautiful, silver Pandora charm bracelet complete with a silver filigree heart with a Peridot (my birthstone) in the center.

What a great day! I went back to the hotel tired and happy, with a promise to my son to be on time for breakfast because the next day we were really celebrating my birthday and it was a packed schedule.

P and I had a lovely breakfast nearby and near the end he told me he hadn't been entirely truthful, which was quite a surprise.  He pulled out a small white box and began to tell me about how I'd influenced his love of traveling.  The lie - the bracelet wasn't the entire gift.  In the box was a silver charm of a passport.  M and C each took me to breakfast on separate days and presented me with a charm to add.  C gave me a charm of a small dog because of my love for my chihuahua. M gave me a charm of a camera which she said reminded her of how I chronicled the events of the family.

Other activities cooked up by the trio - a spa morning, high tea at the Brown Palace, a movie outing,a visit to
a locked mystery room - and all kinds of food - lunches and dinners out. Later we went to Colorado Springs where my daughter was officially introduced into the congregation she is serving.  All in all it was a great sta-cation.