Monday, September 24, 2018

Day 168 The Power of P (Pt 1)

I've been busy the past few weeks filing legal paperwork.

It's a pain, but it's  necessary.

Filing these requirements has been quite the learning experience. There is an expected deadline and it doesn't pay to procrastinate.

Procrastinate is the first P I want to say a few words about.

Procrastination is a powerful, powerful state of being.  For some it is a life style.  People in this frame of mind believe you should put things off as long as you are able.  Don't do anything until you are absolutely forced to take action.

I know a few people who have a procrastination life-style.  One person chooses this in order to spend more time gaming, another just doesn't want to be bothered as being required to do expected tasks is an affront to his sense of freedom, and still another procrastinates out of fear.

These folks would rather cure than prevent. They don't mind the extra cost, waste or time that the proverbial ounce of prevention is able to avoid. Frequently, they let time make their decisions and live with the consequences.

These are the people who file extensions when government mandated documentation is requested. These are the folks that feel the lump but avoid testing because they are afraid of the results. They don't change the oil in their car or perform required maintenance until something forces their vehicle to stop working.  

This is a powerful P.  

This is a negative P.  

Just because something is powerful doesn't make it good, or positive.

How much freedom do you really have if you let time or circumstances make decisions for you.

The only way to defeat this P is to take Action. You might encourage action by creating a list and marking to do items off.  You might set some calendar  reminders to get that oil changed, send in that document, make that appointment.

Only then can you move from procrastination ruling you to really beginning to take charge of your life.