Saturday, January 7, 2017

Day 4

It didn't take long. 

I want to cheat today. 

I'm tired, and right now, my little boy dog is in the way, trying to lick my fingers and face. I probably shouldn't journal from bed.

It was a long day. 

Motivation was difficult. 

It was a hard day - no one at work wants to do anything and a third of us are off burning PTO. 

Looked at the few wedding pictures I had. There are things I wish I understood but as much as I've read and thought, I just can't.

My big accomplishment today? Writing this and switching out my calendar for the new year.

I think I should make some plans. Plans for the upcoming year.

I've a wedding and graduation to go to; a business to get off the ground, and a promise to keep to myself - Remember to live dangerously.

I didn't today. Today I just existed; one foot forward just getting by.

And that's not enough.