Friday, January 6, 2017

Day 3

Today was a day of choices - some good, some bad. 

My stomach is filled with acid from overeating pretzels last night. I compounded the problem with two sodas. The acid didn't diminish just hit varying levels of annoyance. Dinner was turkey, cranberry sauce, and a Hawaiian dinner roll.  Better.

But then I crashed and burned by opening a big bag of scoop Fritos. 

My stomach hurts and the acid is awful.

I did, however, follow through on the problem of agent calls not recording properly.

I did buy oil of thyme to make my own face moisturizer - a simple formula from Health Nut News comprised of three ingredients: oil of thyme, vitamin E, and coconut oil.

Best of all, I was aware.

I'm aware of what I did to my stomach, aware of stepping up, aware of how I want to take care of my face (using a concoction I mix that isn't something out of a jar created from words I can't pronounce).

Some steps forward - not all of them backward. 

I'll concentrate on the forward and recall the discomfort of the back.

Better choices are mine to make; they are within reach.