Thursday, January 5, 2017

Day 2

I almost thought that today I did not live dangerously, but I did.

Not in any big ride-your-motorcycle-like-Steve-McQueen-in-the-Great-Escape kind of way.

Maybe dangerous living is about small acts. Things like telling the IT department at work that a 24 hour turn around on fixing your problem is not in any way acceptable.

Like reposting Carrie Fisher's** comments on aging -  complete with a swear word - the day she died.

Like taking responsibility for something you don't own because everyone is on PTO (paid time off) and no one was left to be the one where the buck stopped.

Like leaving a list of things for my twenty-something to do so the entire day isn't wasted on video games.

Little steps, little moments of dangerous living, lead to big adventures.

That's what I'm doing - going on a big, grand adventure to the most exciting place I know -

Inner Me.

**Rest in Peace, Carrie Fisher, powerful general Princess Leia who showed us a strong, heroic woman.