Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 10 The Media Hype of Beauty

I don't want to write today.

But I made a promise...
     to others
     most importantly to myself.

Day 1 just published on the web.

I don't know if anyone will read it. I hope someone does; I hope my journey will resonate with others; will help others.

I started the day reading Shonda Rhimes. She wrote about wanting her hair to look like Whitney Houston's. How hard it was to even get it somewhere close but never right. I remember having a hair cut like Princess Diana's. It never quite looked like hers. Years later, I realized the Princess had a royal hairdresser. Shonda found out Whitney wore a wig.

Idols. The women we admired weren't quite what we'd perceived. The real was hidden from the public. Legends, folklore developed.

How sad. Would we have loved them any less if we had seen their true?

Beauty is fleeting and air brushed and made up and filled with illusion. 

Interestingly, this topic was talked about on the Rick Lewis radio show this morning (The Fox). They talked about female athletes who made big money not because they were exceptionally talented but because the media deemed them pretty or beautiful.  Danica Patrick, a race car driver who has never won a NASCAR race.

She is a very pretty lady, but, she's got some pics out there that definitely trade on that aspect of her being.

Then there is Anna Kournikova a tennis star without a major title win.There are more women that the media hyped, selected not  on  the basis of their talent but rather on their external beauty.

What a disservice to women, many who already loathe some secret part of themselves because they find themselves lacking!

What do we do to ourselves ladies? What are we teaching our families, friends and co-workers? You are only valuable if you're young, gorgeous, wear the right expensive clothes?

And  if you're not...somehow we lose some innate value...and we do it to ourselves, egged on by the media. We tell ourselves a lie, and then we believe the lie.

Dangerous living thought:

I am valuable because I am me and not a clone of anyone else. I am beautiful, talented, smart, sexy because I am me.  I can't be Whitney, Diana, Danica, Anna, Angelina, or Scarlett.

I can only be me and that is the best person I can be.

"To be beautiful be yourself...." Thich Nhat Hanh