Thursday, January 12, 2017

Day 9 Stinkin Thinkin and the Power of Baby Steps

I woke this morning filled with ideas to write about.

Unfortunately, I didn't write them down. Now I don't remember them or what they are about; they are lost in the fog of dreams. 

So this thought came to me - perhaps a dust mote from one of those early morning thoughts.

What is dangerous living? I know I've had that thought before and some of this is repetition because it is acting like the running long jump. It's pumping me up for that leap into the air and the eventual landing in the pit where I can actually measure my success.

It would be easy to think of things that you would need courage for, externally; being lost in a wilderness, confronting a dangerous animal, going some place totally foreign to you.

Those are all external pieces of dangerous living. 

But sometimes, maybe more times than we care to admit, the real danger, the real fear we face isn't the external type at all. No, its more than likely a fear to confront internally.

Some call these fears demons and maybe they are depending on the hold they have on us. the power we give them to control us.

By confronting them, I theorize I take away the power of those demons, bad habits, that stinkin' thinkin'. The more I name them for what they are, the weaker their hold on my life.

It's a process. 

Some days I'm sure it will be quick; other times I'm sure the process will be painfully slow.

When I think about the past six years, I remember how I couldn't sit in my chair in front of the computer.  Three years later I sat (and still do) in front of a computer some forty hours a week.  Today, I can look at the designs sent to my personal email for artwork. I can create content for the blog and I see excitement and hope that I can recover my creativity.

None of this happened overnight. This progress was a long slog  to even beginning the uphill climb. 

Slowly, but distinctly, the empty glass that I always looked at as half full - that glass is refilling.  No longer is the glass empty or half empty but rather, and its an important distinction, that glass is half full. More and more, day after day, that half full glass is filling every day. 

I know, I KNOW I am closer to that day when something so simple as sitting in front of my home computer being creative will happen.

One day at a time, one step at a time.

* * * * *

While I'm talking creativity recovery for myself, the slow steady progress can be about anything.

What are you making strides toward? Baby steps, drops of water in the bucket are okay. The point is to fill 'er up!