Sunday, February 19, 2017

Day 40 It's Fresh Like Spring!

Wow, Day 40 of the blog.  Just a little over a tenth of the year.  Hardly seems possible that I've written this many posts.

What I like about it though, is the consistency.  A teacher I knew a long, long time ago had this phrase above his double blackboard (do you remember blackboards?) - Consistency is bliss.

There is some truth in this axiom.  When you do things on a consistent basis, whether it is write, or exercise, or watch your diet, those things begin to change.  Consistency brings about habits, hopefully good ones. When we can exercise without having to convince ourselves that exercising is really the right thing to do, when we've gotten into that habit and it is ingrained in us to the point that we don't feel well if we don't do it, then the consistency has brought bliss and other powerful benefits.

The New Year is filled with resolutions. By this time of the year, many resolutions are not only broken, but they are forgotten and shelved until they get dusted off once more for next year's promises to change.

When I look at the fact that today's post is Day 40, I know that I've developed a good habit. I don't feel right going to bed without making sure I've posted to the blog.  That is consistency, and when I think about that consistency, it brings me satisfaction and a degree of happiness...or bliss.

Kind of reminds me of spring. With the warm weather we are experiencing right now (60's in mid-February) on the plains of the US, I want to continue making strides forward. Spring is a time of new growth, feeling the sun warm us after the dark and cold of winter. We've still a month or so to go before it is "officially" spring, but it feels like it right now, so why not prep for the things that spring can mean and bring into our lives.

Think about the garden you want to plant for summer's enjoyment. This is the perfect opportunity to list projects that need to be completed around your domicile and to prioritize those projects.  This is the time to seize and plan for future activities with loved ones, so those wonderful days of warmth and sun aren't wasted.

I've a couple trips already planned for spring. Being laid off isn't going to change those, although I am sure everyone would understand if I said I couldn't be there for a wedding or a graduation.  I've got those planned though, and I'm not letting the circumstances of my life keep me from enjoying that time with family and friends.

There have been a few days already when we've turned off the heat and opened the windows to let the freshness of our spring-like weather permeate the house.  The slightly cool air coming in the windows gently blows the staleness of winter away and reminds us that weather no longer has to confine us.

We will still get more snow.  But now that the ground is warm and the trees are starting to soften their branches for the new leaf buds, we know that anything we get from here on out is short-lived.

Every change of season, every fresh start of a new month gives us yet another clean slate. A chance to change, to break old habits and replace those habits with something new, something encouraging to ourselves and others, something, anything that moves us from our status quo.

This weekend has been lovely.  It's fresh like spring, I want to relish in it, grow in it and pass the rebirth of spring on to every one I meet.