Saturday, February 25, 2017

Day 45 Creativity For All!

 I spent a pleasant evening out tonight after a totally wonderful artist's date day that included working out, a pho lunch, a mani/pedi, a lovely massage (Chinese, which is quite different from other massages I've had) and a night out at a local bar where I had a wonderful T-bone steak dinner. Yum!

The music was great and varied. Everything from Frank Sinatra's New York, New York! to Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive to Billy Joel's Uptown Girl and the Eagle's  How Long.   Variety is so the spice of life.

That got me thinking about creativity.  There are some folks who feel they just are not creative. I'd like to tell you that if you are one of them, you've been told lies.  Everyone, absolutely EVERYONE has some sort of creativity.  Many people mistakenly believe they have no creativity when in fact their creativity is an OTHER kind of creativity.

For instance, my friend, D does a fresh 24 video on his Facebook account. That is one way he expresses his creativity. My daughter-in-law, A, is amazing when it comes to textiles. This is her charming, yet wicked manticore.  
She does a lot with knitting and clothing design.  When it comes to creating costumes whether they are Regency period pieces or for a space opera, her creativity really shines.  I write, my daughter does fantastic poetry, another friend designs cars, yet another creates cookies unlike anything I've ever experienced.  Some people can look at a room and just know what colors are needed; still another can look at the same room and know how to move the furniture so the energy flow is right. A teacher I had is creative with vocalizations and shares that with others.  All those people with green thumbs? Another form of creativity.  My sister-in-law makes beautiful cards and can make fantastic flower arrangements. Still others make wonderful music with their chosen instrument - everything from drums to vocalizations to using a theremin.

Everybody has some form of creativity.  Some people haven't explored theirs. Others have had the tender shoot of creativity bruised or even crushed.  I'm here to tell you that it is still there inside of you waiting to spring forth.  If you're not sure what your creativity is, ask.  You have something.  

All around us is amazing creativity and the world needs yours.  Maybe you have the creativity mind that solves problems, thinking outside the box to new solutions.  Can you imagine what Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were thinking when they were working on the first personal computers? The first smart phone took someone, maybe many someone's creative abilities to see beyond what was to what might be. Website design?

Exercise routines, culinary innovations, painting, music, writing, photography, pet grooming ... the list goes on and on and each is a creative endeavor in its own right.

We are so quick to put ourselves down and to think that our creative talent doesn't count, matter or even isn't creative when it just isn't true.  Maybe you haven't uncovered yours yet.  Just because you haven't found it does not mean it doesn't exist.  Grandma Moses was in her twilight years when she uncovered her particular brand of folk art painting. 

What could your's be?  Have you discovered it yet? What do you do that gets you out of the logical thinking part of your brain, that brings you unexplained pleasure? 

Never put yourself down for thinking that you aren't creative. The world need a bit of everything to make it beautiful and enjoyable.  Even if you believe the world won't benefit from your brand of creativity  - YOU WILL.  Keep looking until you find it (if you haven't) and if you have, keep practicing and perfecting it to your own level of satisfaction.

One of the things I often think of is the number of people who believe they are tone deaf.  If you can vary the tone of your voice at all, you can sing.  It doesn't take scads of so-called talent to be creative. An active interest in something, and consistent application of your interest and knowledge and practice can produce something you can be proud of. That is why I love going to Tabetha Landt Hastings painting soirees.  She takes a bunch of people who believe they can't paint, that they can't produce something "wall worthy" and shows them through hand on experience that their conceptions just aren't true.  Look at all these lovely variations of "Dancing Through the Storm" we did.

Dare to find your creativity. You'll amaze all of us with what you uncover.