Sunday, February 26, 2017

Day 46 Getting 'er Done!

Yesterday I said was a really good day.

Today was even better!

I was wide-eyed wired last night after having caffeine a little too late. I was so awake that I didn't go to bed until sometime after 4:00am.

Yikes, right?

I got up at a reasonable time; no not noon.  I was out of bed by 9:30 this morning.  Things didn't quite work out for the first part of the morning as I'd hoped, but I put the time to good use.

I filled three decent sized boxes with books!  No long are my book shelves double lined.   What an accomplishment!  I also weeded through some clothes I no longer wear for various reasons (size, style, age) and put those into another box that had nick-knacks in it
and pretty much filled that box too.  We got it all loaded into the back of my vehicle along with a daybed frame taking up space in the garage.

We hauled it all off to Goodwill where I'm sure those things will find a second life.
After dropping off the goodies, we had lunch at a little place I uncovered about six and a half years ago in the southeast part of the town I live in.  The place was jam-packed! Good on the owners.

One of the things I observed while we waited for a table, which was a solid twenty minutes or more was how the staff worked.  I haven't seen that much hustle since the time I worked for a corporate owned McDonald's.  The waitresses were moving quickly to clear tables, whenever one opened and it didn't matter if it was in their section or not.  After we were seated, we were close to a large
party of about eight.  The restaurant had put together a special table for them along with the regular table.  Once they were on their way out the door, three of the waitresses cleared the tables and another took down the special extended table and returned everything back to its rightful position in under five minutes. It has been a long time since I've seen anything run so quickly and efficiently in a restaurant.  

After our lunch, we headed to what is affectionately nicknamed in our home as "the spawn of the devil," that is, Walmart.  We were looking for storage crates, you know, the plastic ones that stack so well together.  We walked nearly the whole perimeter of the store and only found three at the far back, near laundry baskets and kitchen trash cans.  I needed six, but C and I figured out a way to make three work.

The crates are going to support a twin bed I currently have sitting on a king sized frame. With my foot in a boot, there were several times when getting out of bed I had to turn my leg in an odd angle just to stand up.  

As we were returning to the front of the store, where the checkouts are, we found a whole display of the same plastic crates we were looking for. Go figure - if we had gone straight rather than turn left, we would have saved ourselves some time and the thought process and conversation about how we were going to make those three crates work.  Voila, problem solved.

We got the crates into the bedroom and quickly began tearing down the king.  I got the major bedroom pieces down one flight of stairs while C got them into the back of my recently emptied car.  The crates are working perfectly while we try to find bedroom hardware to actually put the twin together with headboard, footboard and side rails. 

I gained  a good three feet of width, and about eighteen inches (guessing) of length.  It is so much easier to walk around that room now.

With the books, the day bed frame, and the king bed frame we've opened up a fair amount of space in two key areas.  

The fact that we accomplished so much, including lunch, in four hours has got me geeked.  

It kind of goes with a book I'm reading right now by Scott Adams, the cartoonist responsible for Dilbert.  We had a system in place not a goal.  The system is for continual forward momentum, while a goal has a definite end point as well as a negative sort of mindset of having to "reach" the goal. The system can be made up of some goals, but the idea is to take some sort of action on a regular basis and make it a habit.

A friend of mine at work says she is purging.  One of her friends has decided to purge her home during Lent.  

Today, I began the purging I wrote about a while back.  I'd been doing some here and there, but today it was actually a dedicated time and then out the door before I could change my mind.

Today, my viewpoint, my real physical viewpoint changed.  Everywhere I looked I saw things that I don't need and can donate to someone who might need them. Today, I didn't give myself the time to change my mind.

Today, I lived dangerously and began the purging process, a system I developed which is helping me with the fallout of four people having lived in this home for the past sixteen years.

Today, I won!