Sunday, April 2, 2017

Day 76 Catching Up

Time for true confessions here.  I took the weekend off. I spent a lot of time in catch-up activities and just resting.

The last week was emotionally exhausting as I am sure many of my co-workers can attest to.

I got off a little later than usual for a Friday, but that all worked out terrifically as I had three doctor appointments in one week and I didn't use any paid time off! I had the official appointment with my foot doctor telling me what to watch out for now that I am officially out of my boot. I'd rather hoped I could toss the thing, but he had thoughts on that and so it will occupy a place in the back of my closet. 

 I also went for a mammogram this week. Won't know the results of that for a while as they have to get the results from my last check and compare them. I also got the dual injections, one in each eye, so those are caught up. There will be another appointment at the end of the month but I anticipate all will be well on that front also. 

So, I did a little sleeping in this weekend, but not too much. I had to take C to look for a suit for the wedding we are attending in a couple of weeks.

 To say the shopping thing went well would be a huge understatement. C and I were blessed to meet David who helped C get a great fitting suit along with shirts and ties. It had been some time since I'd done any serious shopping for men's dress clothes.   He ended up with a dark grey suit and a blue one, two shirts, two  ties and all the tailoring for just under a grand.

Then we headed out to find something for me to wear. I'm grateful to be out of the boot, no doubt, but the shoes I am wearing now would embarrass Cinderella.  They are far from dainty, fragile glass slippers.  I had somethingvery specific in mind and I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful sales associate, Amanda, assist me in finding just the right thing to hide the shoes.

I did a little binge watching of Grey's Anatomy this weekend too. I am so amazed by how Shonda Rhimes has woven together a story about people working in a hospital. She has set it up in such a way that even the characters who are seriously flawed you care enough about them to wonder how things are going to work out for them.

Got to church this morning too and was reminded of how much I am loved even when I sometimes don't feel like I am. When I think about how I am supposed to love myself so I can properly love others, this is the sort of reminder I need to in order to have the right combination of love for myself and the discipline I need to use in order to make myself better.

I also thought I was going to do a little painting this weekend but  I was mistaken and the painting gig is next weekend. So, as it turned out, all the important things I needed to accomplish before the wedding got done in a timely manner and C and I won't be running around like chickens being chased by a fox,.

I'm going to apologize right now for any tying mistakes that might be in this post. The blogger is laggy and occassionally blacks out what I've typed so I am left to guessing as to how it really looks. I'm trying to use another composition program to catch things, so0 hopefully it won't be bad.

Tomorrow  is truly the beginning of the end for me. I have eight days of employment left. This is the first time I've every been let go from a job. Usually, I'm the one putting in my notice and changing jobs and moving on to bigger and better things.

I have a lot to look forward to and I'm learning a lot in my business school for which I am also grateful.  I'm trying to be positive and put some good vibes out there and I've been encouraged by the number of writing positions I've seen.  There have also been a number of teaching positions as well, so I'll work on renewing my teaching license and getting that up to date on my resume.

Funny, how I've reacted to this forced change. I'm doing better but I have to remind myself it is a little like death and that I am going to go through a grieving process as I prepare for the next chapter in my life.  Some folks call them seasons.  I hope this once is short -lived and that the doors open for where God wants to use me.  I feel a very strong desire to get back into a classroom environment again although I really don't know what that is going to look like at this time. 

Not knowing is another part of living dangerously.