Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Day 77 Going Sane

"It is important to remember that at first flush, going sane feels just like going crazy. Growth is an erratic forward movement: two steps
forward, one step back. Remember that and be very gentle with yourself. A creative recovery is a healing process." Julia Cameron.

All of us are creative. As I've mentioned before, we may or may not know what our creative talent is. That ability can be anything from writing (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) to workworking (toys, benches, cabinets) and just about anything else you can think of that lends itself to creating.

Sometimes though, we are made to feel guilty over our creative experience and exercise. Sometimes the guilt is so overwhelming for following our particular art that we brush it aside. We may call it frivolous or silly, or wasteful.  None of these are true, but if we have convinced ourselves to believe the lie these are the very things we will believe. We will use these lies to convince ourselves that following out heart, our passion, our creative soul is a luxury we can't afford.

Yet, it is the very thing that keeps us sane.  Imagine day in, day out, not living at least some of your passion, and spending twenty, thirty or more years working in a factory, putting light bulbs into boxes.  Doing the same thing day after day without variety, coming home in the evening and never following your passion, just sitting at
home and watching television, going to bed and getting up the next morning to drive the same way to work, to do the same thing you've been doing day in and day out for years.

No one wants that life.  Secretly, inside all of us is something we would really, really like to do like go outdoors and take wildlife photographs.  Have the energy to work on a novel for an hour a night.  Create a beautiful garden that blooms continually during all the warm months.

Rather than taking that one or two steps forward, we relapse into the everyday, believing for some reason that we can't.

We need to learn to say no, and to say yes to the things that are important to us. We need to learn that it is okay we want to learn to watercolor paint, or spend time in the garage creating silhouettes of cowboys leaning against trees. We need to learn to say no to those things that would keep us from our passions, those things we are going to do when we retire, the things we wanted to do when we graduated from school and put them on hold for a career in something. 

We also need to recognize the people and the events that would keep our passionate creativity locked in our hearts. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me, "You can't do that," when I was writing.

Some will try to tell you that what you are doing is selfish.  It's okay to be a little selfish. You aren't going to pull a Hyde/Jekyll personality switch.  Saying yes to your creative soul will make you a better person. You're enthusiasm for life will shine brighter and be an example to others. It will make the mundane bearable and give you something to look forward to.

Following your passion is healthy and rewarding and makes the world a better place because you've contributed your creativity to those around you.

When you choose to nurture yourself, even just a little, expect resistance. The resistance may be obvious, like someone telling you that you can't to that. Or it may be a bit insidious, coming from friends and loved ones. But, the most dangerous resistance of all is going to come from the person you least expect it to come from...you.  

This is why affirmations are so important.  So much of the time we go through life sleepwalking. We don't know real from unreal because we believe lies and don't always recognize the truth, especially about ourselves.

You are talented, gifted, needed. There is no one else like you with your multi-faceted personality and unique point of view. Your experiences are uniquely yours and provide a different source of truth compared to those around you.  Your voice, eyes, and heart are needed to make the world a better place.  And that world doesn't have to be global. It can be your neighborhood, your city, your state or as big of an impact as you want it to be.

Embrace your creative self. Don't give in to the lies that you or others may tell you...things like "I'm not good enough," "talented enough," or that you're "not worthy." These are all lies

Remember when you take two steps forward, and one back, you are still a step ahead. It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be progress.

Go ahead. Take a self-inventory. What do you like? What do you feel passionate about? How can you make some time for your creative talent?

Now, how can you exercise that talent or passion? Is there a class to take, supplies to purchase, a place you can "practice" your talent?  Now, go do it.

Set a timer. "Practice" for fifteen minutes. Gradually build your time in such a way that you are improving and taking those steps ahead.  Set the time to discover yourself and uncover what is important to you and then act on the discovery.

My guess is you are going to uncover some pretty darn cool stuff about yourself and that as you become more confident in what you have to share the world around you is going to be blessed.

Go now. Go forth in the direction of your repressed dreams.