Monday, April 24, 2017

Day 96 Thinking About...TIME

So hard to believe our time in Baltimore is coming to an end. It's time to be thinking about the return journey.

Today it was a bit overcast and definitely chilly.  I doubled up my layers and tried to be a warm trooper. 

Had some great chats with P who was a little bit better but still not tolerating food well. An Eggo was rough on his stomach.  I so don't miss the stomach flu!

It is looking like we will either take 70 across or perhaps 36.  We did quite a bit of time on 80 going out and I'm told we did some time on 70 getting here, but funny, I really don't remember being on it.  It seems that a number of highways come to a head out here so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

P has been working the comics for a little over a year now, but he's still so new that he isn't really breaking even much less making any money.  That is often the case with trying to support a creative endeavor of any sort.  You have to sink some bucks in before you start to see any ROI.  Sometimes it takes years.

To support his household, one of the extra things P does is some specialized acting.  He does standardized patient testing for med, nursing and pharma students.  They keep him pretty busy, especially as the end of the semester draws near.

They have standardized patient testing near my home as well. Given the work I've been doing the past three years I may be a decent candidate for this job.  I've always been pretty good at role playing type scenarios such as mock calls and historical simulations I did with my classes, so P may be on to something here.

It is however, time to look seriously at next steps, apply for unemployment, think about school, finish my business classes. We've been gone for 10 days now, so it is time.

Being away from home has been good for me. I've actually relaxed, learned some new things, been a ton of different places. My senses have been stimulated, my taste buds challenged, and my nerves calmed.  I'm missing friends, my own bed and my puppy.  I've got some new ideas to try with writing, business and home decor.

On the list is checking out and GlassDoor. I'm not sure if the perfect or even right job is out there for me, but I'm going to keep checking.  Maybe there is something working for someone else, or maybe the real deal will be working for myself and figuring out a way to impact the world around me right now.

So many questions to ponder. A long leisurely ride home may help me come up with a few answers.

And hey, along the way, I'm going to challenge my taste buds, stimulate my senses and calm my nerves. Seems like an appropriate way to end this sojourn.