Thursday, April 27, 2017

Day 98 Lawrence

"Do you know where we are?" C asked.

I thought he was being a smart  butt. so I answered, "Yeah, Dirty Toes."

"No, Sam and Dean."

He was right, Sam and Dean Winchester, of television's Supernatural are from Lawrence, Kansas.   The boys live in the university town just off I-70 until their mother dies in a mysterious fire that sends their father off to hunt the monsters that lurk in the night.

A quick search on my phone failed to find any sort of museum or other remembrance of the boys from television.

I mentioned Dirty Toes.  A long time ago I met member of the band, Uncle Dirty Toes, the bass guitarist, Mark von Schlemmer.  The bulk of the band is from the Lawrence area and have been playing since the mid-90's.

The group acknowledges that Jethro Tull had an influence on their music.  I think of them as a contemporary Celtic folk/rock band.  One of their tunes inspired my first novel.

But, really, Lawrence is a university town and we won't be exploring much of it tomorrow. We are anxious to get close to if not home.

So far, so good.  It's been a fantastic trip!