Thursday, December 7, 2017

Day 149 Ashamed

I can't believe it has been nearly three months since my last post. Life has been busy, sort of. Things have happened. Depression has not been defeated.

So, I'll try to catch up a little bit and let you know about some of the dangerous living (or not) I've been doing.

Most recently, I had another stay at the University.  I went to walk my little guy and by the time I got home I could barely breath and my chest hurt - nothing like I have ever experience before. I went upstairs and took my blood pressure.

  It was 209/118 with a pulse rate of 115. A stop at Urgent Care registered slightly lower and they wasted no time in telling me I needed to get to the E.R. (my son was with me).

At the ER the blood pressure dropped some and the horrible pain in my chest had diminished. The EKG didn't show any changes from prior EKGs. Everyone was pretty confident I did not have a heart attack, but I had to have blood drawn every couple of hours to look for a specific enzyme which indicates a heart attack.  

The final diagnosis was angina,  This is an angina brought on by exertion such as walking the dog or climbing the stairs. End result - I came home with a different blood pressure medication and my own personal supply of nitroglycerin.  

I saw my primary care doc yesterday and the end result of that visit was a doubling of the doses of the current medication I'm on, as well as the new medication.  There has got to be something better to do than take more pills.

I'm going to be looking for it.

In the meantime, I am still walking my dog and climbing those stairs.  Not doing so will only lead to a downward slide I suspect.

Currently, it is open enrollment time.  Actually, not much of open enrollment is left. I briefly held a job enrolling people in Medicaid for the state of Maryland.  For me, the job was nothing short of a disaster. 

I had equipment that functioned poorly and management that didn't care.  After waiting for more than two and a half hours to get a headset problem addressed, I called the hiring agency and told them I was done.  They immediately contacted their client, and suddenly all sorts of things started to happen. I agreed to stay but when I got to the end of the week, I was unable to log my hours.

I sent a short email to the man in charge of scheduling and told him not to schedule me until the problem was resolved.  When I contacted the hiring agency, they responded with a rather flippant, "Oh, that's been known to happen."  

They told me the problem would be resolved and that I would get my paycheck on Monday by 4:30 pm.  At 4:30 Monday I called them and it was not ready.  Now, this was a check that was supposed to have been ready the Friday before. Generously, or so I thought, I gave them until 4:30 the next day (Tuesday).  Since the company was two blocks away from the hiring agency, C said he would stop in and pick it up.  I called the agency to get C authorized for the pick-up and they told me the check still was not ready.  So now, the check was four days late.

Bottom line  - when I told them I was going to contact the BBB and the Department of Labor and lodge a complaint, I got hung up on.  C waited forty-five minutes, but they finally cut the  check.

Both of these companies are major businesses with offices in multiple states. This is not some mom and pop organization that may actually run into tech problems.  I should have known better, I promised myself I wasn't going to work for a huge organization again and I did.  I would NOT recommend either the hiring agency or the client as a good place to work.
So, that is the past two months or so in a nutshell.  There is more, of course, but for right now, I would like to apologize for not posting regularly like I once did.  My depression medication has been increased in strength and so I am hoping that will assist with the motivation factor. In the meantime, I am ashamed that I have let myself and you readers down by not posting regularly.

Please forgive me.  Letting depression and life deter me from my goal of taking risks and living dangerously is utter failure on my part. I will endeavor to do better.  Thank you for your forbearance in this matter.