Friday, December 8, 2017

Day 150 Baby Steps

Today I noticed that I felt a little better. I think this is because my blood sugar level was close to normal this morning.  Great news, and hopefully, I'm on a better path.

Besides my feet and heart, the wild swings of my blood sugar have affected my vision.  I felt it change since Thanksgiving and so today I visited my eye doctor who specializes in retina issues.  I was pleasantly surprised as my vision had not changed as much as I feared.  I must remember, often times, fear is "false evidence appearing real." 

Some fear, of course, is practical and in certain situations, your senses are heightened. Still, I was wrong to worry about my eyes.  I should have had the facts.  My vision did change and I was right to follow up on it, but I probably spent too much time being worried about it.  Worry doesn't provide any benefits.

The end result - I had some swelling in each eye, just barely. Each eye received an injection.  Although I was numbed, each eye twice, this time the injections hurt.  Not sure what that actually means in terms of the numbing process for me in the future.  I do know I flinched, which is something I've never done before.

Along the lines of small steps, I woke up earlier, an entire hour earlier.  It seemed to help the day go smoother.

Another small step I took was adding a few supplements to my diet.  These were cacao, wheatgrass, and spirulina. Spirulina has the worst god awful smell.  It comes from an ocean algae which may account for its odor.  Wheatgrass smells a bit like tea, and cacao has a nice chocolate scent. Each of these supplements have some interesting properties in regards to vitamins and anti-oxidants. I plan to write a bit more about each of these in the future.

Mixing these three with a cup of water isn't too bad.  Believe me, the smell is the worst of it.  However, if you are a protein shake sort of person, they lose a lot of their scent and taste when mixed into the drink.  Even just in water, the trio, called by some superfoods, is tolerable.

So, this is the second day in a row I've blogged.  If I hadn't lost all that time to depression I would be within eye shot of completing the blog in a year.  I won't continue to beat myself over my lapse; I have just set an intention (goal) of doing better. 
Redeveloping the habit of blogging will help, but each day I do, is another baby step forward.  As an old proverb states, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."