Monday, February 13, 2017

Day 35 S.A.D.

Some of you may know the acronym S.A.D. to mean Seasonal Affective Disorder.  SAD is a type of depression that seems to recur about the same time every year. For many people who suffer from SAD, this occurs during the darker winter months, although it can occur at any time of the year.  

I know I can barely wait until the shortest day of the season arrives as it means each day will start to get longer and have more light.

However, I'm not going to post about that SAD right now. I am going to write about the SAD that hits single people on February 14th - Single's Awareness Day - or Valentine's Day as others may know it.

At first, I was going to write about this, and then I decided not to, but I changed my mind yet again when I went into a superstore today and saw the dozens and dozens of roses in the entry, at the end of the vegetable row, in stand alone displays.  For a holiday dedicated to love, there sure seem to be a lot of people looking for love, a lot of people who have thrown love away, and a lot more who've never experienced the deep caring that comes from another person who sees you as special, unique and as the one who Jerry McGuire says, "...complete(s) me."

So when we walk into a store, geared up for this big, bogus day of love celebrating it hurts. Not a little either, but a hell of a lot. It sucks to be reminded that you are alone on yet another Valentine's Day. No flowers, no chocolates (even sugar free ones), no cards to cling to as proof that you are especially cared for.

I'm taking a two-pronged attack at the day. One, it blows, totally and royally. That's my tude and I don't see it changing a whole lot any time soon. And two, I'm going to make it as nice for my co-workers as I can in my own little way.   

We don't need to be reminded we walk this world alone. But maybe we do need to be reminded we don't walk the SAD by ourselves. There are a lot of us in this boat. Maybe our ships will come in, maybe they won't, but I want those of you in the SAD fellowship to know you aren't alone and I am thinking of you, praying for you, and sending warm loving thoughts just to you.