Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 36 Third Worst Day of My Life

First of all, I want to say a HUGE "Thank you!"
to all of you who have put up with my ramblings on this blog. Some of you have reached out to me and shared positive and encouraging words. You keep me on track and accountable! Thank you so very much for your support.

The worst day in my life occurred June 5, 2010, closely followed by the second worst day of my life on July 1, 2010.  It took nearly five years to recover from those two days, and there were plenty of awful days within that period.

Today, I had the third worst day of my life. I'm working on re-purposing it, but it is difficult.  

February 15, 2017 was the day I was notified my job and I were no longer needed.

They, whoever they happen to be, say that there are some things in life that occur that put as much stress on your body as a heart attack. I certainly had a few moments this morning when I felt like I was having a heart attack.  Losing a job is one of those things (right up there with marriage, child birth, divorce and a couple other major life changers).

I'm looking at the future and wondering just what I am going to do between now and "retirement" which has suddenly gotten further away. It was a stretch before to think that I could retire at 65. It was looking more like 68 or even 70.  Now, I just don't know.

My thinking has gone back to primordial survival mode.  There are options to explore; paths to peek down and see if that is where I really want to spend the so called "golden years."  Do I go back to school and work on a master's degree in education? Do I go back to film school and get that script writing class under my belt? Do I relocate? Do I stay put? Do I work from home, or work somewhere for the socialization? How far am I willing to drive if I want the socialization?

I'm in my late 50's. I couldn't get Wendy's to call me back five years ago. How much more will the job market be dried up now? They say that age discrimination is against the law, but it is so easy to figure out how old someone is when online applications and resume builders want dates of employment. 

So many questions. Trying to get out of stun mode.

Where do I go from here?